确保用合理的价格,合理的时间从供应商处购买适合的原材料 Ensure material for production usage is received in a timely manner to ensure a smooth production flow. 确保及时提供牧野武汉仓库所需的所有原料 Meet management target of inventory. Issuing of PO to goods received to payment to business vendors. 整体协调和供应商的关系并重新审核供应商(得到部门经理的批准) Overall co-ordination with supplier and up-date vendor cross reference (upon approved by Dept Manager). 主要任务和职责 Main Duties and Responsibilities
1. 根据物料计划的数量和交期要求,制作并发送订单,跟踪物料按时到货 30% According to PIC’s demand, make and transfer PO, follow material receiving 2. 持续优化物料的交期 10% Optimize delivery lead time 3. 新项目、新物料的询源询价 5% New projects/material sourcing 4. 来料质量问题的退换货处理 10% Return/replacement of NOK material 5. 成本优化和本土化 10% Cost reduction & Localization 6. 供应商绩效评估和提升 10% Supplier KPI evaluation and improvement 7. 核实供应商的发票并准备付费凭证 10% Verifying vendor invoices and prepare payment voucher 8. 寻找新的供应商,优化成本、交期、质量 5% Sourcing new supplier to optimize Delivery, Cost, Quality 9. 遵守公司的安全规章制度 5% Abide by the company’s safety rules and regulations 10. 执行公司分配的其它任务 5% Perform any other duties as assigned
Position Specification 教育背景: 制造/工程专业大专或以上学历 Qualification: Minimum - Diploma degree and above in Manufacturing/engineering 工作经验: 至少8年采购行业的相关经验, ERP 系统的经验。 英语可以作为工作语言 Experience: More than 8 years’ relevant experience in the purchasing function. Experience with ERP systems. English could be used as working language. 职位要求: 诚实,良好的人际交往和沟通能力, 优秀的谈判技能。 Essential Attribute:Honest. Good interpersonal and communication skills with a high regard for quality and expediency are pertinent in this function. Strong negotiating skills with broad vendor base.