首要职责 Primary Function 确保物资满足生产的要求 To ensure the materials can satisfy the production’s requirement.
主要任务和职责 Main Duties and Responsibilities 1、 接收销售行政的订单信息,制定年度、月度生产计划 (20%) Receiving sales order from sales admin, make annual and monthly production plan 2、 监控生产计划的完成进度,确保按时完成。 (20%) Control production progress, ensure production complete on time 3、 制定生产物料计划并提交采购需求(20%) Make production material plan and raise purchase request 4、 监控生产物料库存,维持库存的稳定和齐套。 (10%) Control inventory in a stable level and ensure complete kit rate 5、 跟进技术变更,维护变更物料信息,预防物料呆滞 (10%) Follow engineering change order, prevent inactive material. 6、 月度机床生产的跟踪和关闭 (10%) Monthly production order closure 7、 执行公司分配的其它任务 (10%) Perform any other duties as assigned
工作经验: 熟知SAP系统操作,具有生产物料及计划等工作经验。了解生产制作流程 Experience: Ability to understand the SAP system and procedure with hands onexperience. And know the manufacturing procedure.
具有强烈的目标感,结果导向,沟通能力强,抗压能力强。 Result oriented, good communication skill, able to work under pressure. 能顺畅使用英语交流。 Able to communicate effectively in English 为人诚实,具有优秀的团队合作精神,对工作仔细认真。 Down to earth working spirit and team player. The most important is must be careful.