主要工作目的Main Purpose of the Job: 管理几个生产自治小组Manage several GAP (Autonomous Production Group) 主要工作Main Missions: 1. People Management and Development (x7) 人员管理和发展 与GAP成员交流(巡视现场,倾听,解释,反应……); Communicates with GAP Members (shop floor tour, listens, explains, reacts…) 主管会与当班的两个GAP成员详细讨论关于工作或私人的问题。主管能察觉人员的环境氛围,并且能对小的人员问题做出反应,大一些的问题需要上升到更高的管理层或人力资源部。但是主管要能对大多数人员问题,进行识别、分析和做出反应(不论问题的大小)。UAP经理极少需要直接去参与解决操作工的个人问题。 Supervisor also talks details with two GAP Members / shift (work/personal). Supervisor detect climate and react to minor people issues. Major issues are escalated to higher Management / HR。But they are able to recognise, analyse and react to the majority of people issues (both major and minor). UAP Manager rarely needs to be involved directly with Operator individual issues. 正式管理面谈:返岗面谈,惩戒面谈,个人面谈; Formal management interviews: Return to work (RTW), disciplinary, individual review. 主管进行所有的返岗面谈及***级的惩戒面谈(所谓***级的惩戒,需要根据公司内部程序定义)。每年和每个操作工进行年度面谈,并把所有区域的面谈结果作为主管培训计划的输入。 The Supervisor holds all RTW interviews and 1st stage disciplinary meeting (according to local procedures). Holds annual interview with each operator each year; uses as an input into Supervisor Training Plan for all their area. 事故分析及安全风险管理; Accident Analysis & Safety risk Management 在UAP级和工厂级的支持功能适当的支持下,主管主导区域内所有事故调查(所有级别:FR0,1,2t)。依据工伤的更本原因,制定和实施行动。主管分析审核结果,并积极的采取行动预防本区域内的风险。 Supervisors lead all accident investigations (FR0,1,2t) for their area with appropriate support from UAP/S. Functions. Implemented actions address root cause of accident. Supervisors analyse audits to actively prevent risks in their area. 任务转移(多技能); Task transfer 主管主导任务移交过程,UAP,支持功能经理确认生效。 Supervisor leads Task Transfer process, and UAP/S. Function Managers validate. 培训计划程序;Training Plan Process 每个主管制定他们区域的培训计划,计划覆盖所有GAP成员。此计划与工厂的培训计划程序和UAP经理的指导意见保持一致。切要对区域内的关键事项有针对性:标准化工作,任务转移和FES改进。 Each Supervisor builds their Training Plan in line with the Plant Training Plan Process and their UAP Guideline- it includes training for all GAP Members, especially in key areas such as St Wk, Task Transfer & FES improvement. 人员计划(缺勤,假期,培训,现场改进); Plan Headcount (absence, holidays, Training, Workshops) 主管制定人员计划,此计划考虑到假期和缺勤替代的问题。也考虑到培训和现场改善活动。此计划可以应对产量和已知事件。 The Supervisor has a manning plan including all holidays and back up for absence. It includes training and workshops. All volume and known events are available from the plan. 指导GAP班长角色(标准化工作,晨会,安全/5S,8个质量基本要素); Coach GAP Leader role (SW, TOP 5, Safety/5S, 8 Quality Basics) 主管主动和定期的观察班长和使用日工作表。并对GAP班长进行指导—特别是现阶段的关键绩效。主管要求支持功能帮助他们完成对GAP班长的辅导。 The Supervisor actively and regularly uses observation and the GL Routine to help in the coaching of the GL - especially on current key performance topics. Supervisor asks S. Functions to help them with this coaching. 参与员工的挑选及招聘 Participate to selection and recruitment of staff 2. Production Management - Secure QCDP (x9) 生产管理——保证QCDP的实现 主导开班(与上/下个班交接,晨会) Pilot start of shift ( TOP 5, link with previous/next shifts...) including actions 主管与前一班的主管交流,并准备和管辖班长需在晨会上讨论的事宜。并在此时,回顾所有行动计划,以保证QCDP的目标的实现。 The Supervisor communicates with the previous shift Supervisor and plans the TOP5 issues with their GAP Leaders. All actions required to ensure the QCDP objectives are reviewed at this time. GAP的可视化管理 Visual Management in the GAP 主管设定所有GAP的可视化管理工具,GAP成员保证相关性。GAP班长(或其他GAP成员)理解可视化工具的目的,且能够独立的更新所有可视化管理工具。 The Supervisor sets, and ensures the adherence by the GAP, to all their visual management tools. The GL (or other GAP member) understands purpose and is able to independently update all their visual Management tools. 指导GAP班长跟踪质量(8个质量基本要素) Coaches GAP Leaders Quality follow-up (8 Quality basics) 主管指导班长跟踪所有质量问题,尤其是自检改善,并在需要时提供直接的支持。主管也要保证支持功能按照需要进行跟踪。 The Supervisor coaches the GL on follow-up of all quality issues, especially the self inspection improvement - and supports directly when required. Supervisor also ensures support function follow up as required. 跟踪当班生产进度(生产产量板,GAP)——为实现目标采取行动 Production follow-up (parts board, GAP) during shift - takes action to hit target 主管保证实现每小时生产产量的目标,系统的跟踪生产和生产产量看板(***是以每个自然小时为单位)。保证班长采取必要行动,并保证行动的有效性。 Supervisor ensures accurate hourly targets and follows up production and Parts Board systematically (ideally hourly). Ensures GL has taken required actions and that they are effective. 负责每日QCDP结果—每日向UAP汇报结果和采取行动 Accountable for daily QCDP results - reports results/actions daily to UAP 主管与UAP经理每天碰面(如果是晚班主管,需传递信息),回顾QCDP结果(在UAP晨会上)。每周与UAP经理回顾主管绩效展板,确保QCDP指标的实现性。 Supervisor daily contact through UAP TOP5 as above, but also focuses on prevention of threat to coming target. Weekly review with UAP Manager of Supervisor Dashboard used to strengthen QCDP reliability 审核和管理多岗位(标准化工作) Validate & manage Polyvalence (Standardised work) 以标准化作业为依据验证多岗位级别,设置了每个工位的多岗位目标,且系统地回顾此目标,使之更具可变性(可以适应不断变化的实际情况)。 Supervisor validates Polyvalence levels, based on current Standardised Work. Set Polyvalence target for each Work Station, which is systematically reviewed to optimise flexibility. 标准化作业STANDARDIZED WORK 依据最小时间,主管制定标准化作业,并指导GAP班长实现和改进标准化作业,分析循环时间的差异,实施培训和改进行动. Supervisor builds the Standardised Work based on minimum time. Coaches Gap leader to achieve & improve the standards by understanding the deviations in cycle times and being able to action training, improvements, etc. 协调支持功能(维修,HSE,质量等),保证GAP能快速解决问题 Liaise with support functions (Maintenance, HSE, Q,) & their GAPs to quickly solve problems 主管确保GAP班长与支持功能共同制定反应规则,并保证GAP班长能够运用这些规则(维修,HSE,质量等);在反应行动中,主管扮演好自己的角色,保证通过改善行动减少问题的重复出现。 Supervisor ensures GAP Leader reaction criteria build with S. Function, and applied by GL (Maintenance, HSE, Q…).Supervisor plays own defined part in reactions and ensures improvement to reduce recurrence. 班后总结当日绩效(NRFT,退回,问题),并达成行动计划。 Debrief daily performance at end of shift (NRFT, Reject, problems) & agree Actions 主管告知(UAP经理或下个班的主管)当班结果和特殊问题以及所采取的相应行动,特别是和下一个班的主管,就下一个班需要采取的行动,达成一致。 Supervisor informs (UAP manager/Next shift Supervisor) of his shifts results and specific problems + actions taken; especially agreeing on actions to be continued by following shifts. 3.Production Management - Improve QCDP (x6)生产管理——改进QCDP 有意义的绩效测量,体现改进机会(GAP或生产线的指标) Performance measures meaningful; show improvement opportunity (GAP/lines indicators) 主管保证每个GAP有每日的指标和有意义的目标(与客户期望相关的,改进GAP和主管绩效展板),GAP每天跟踪,作为改进的基础。 Supervisor ensures each GAP has daily indicators with meaningful objectives (consistent with customer expectations, areas for improvement in the GAP and Supervisor Dashboard), that are followed on a daily basis as the base for GAP improvement. 自主的主导QRCI实现改进绩效 Pilot QRCI autonomously to improve performance 主管保证班长使用QRCI,在问题发生时,立即反应 - 原则上是缺陷停线。主管保证QRCI可以有效的建立牵制措施并消除根本原因。 The Supervisor ensures the GL uses QRCI to react as soon as any problem arises - stop at defect principle. Supervisor ensures QRCI is effective to establish effective containment and root cause elimination. 识别无效,浪费,包括变差(循环时间表),进行改善活动。 Identifies non-efficiency, waste, including variability (Cycle time diagram) and launches improvement activities. 主管利用主管绩效展板,每周分析指标,确定改善活动(从变差,浪费等)。与其他班的主管和支持功能一起定义改善活动的优先行动。 The Supervisor makes a weekly, analysis of indicators in their Dashboard, identifies improvement (from variability's, waste, etc.). With other shifts and S. Functions, priorities & actions are defined for improvement activities. 组织和主导改善活动。让GAP参与(班长,GAP成员/使用月会) Organises & leads improvement activities. GAPs involved (GLs, GAP Members / monthly meeting) 根据年度QCDP目标,主管定义、组织和主导改善活动。至少一个GAP成员参与,如有必要,支持功能参与(只是作为专家参与,提供专业意见,不是领导)Based on annual QCDP targets, improvement activities are identified, organised & led by Supervisors. There is participation of at least one GAP Member, and as necessary, S. Functions (for expertise, not leadership) 审核和跟踪合理化建议——保证在最后期限前完成 Validate and follow-up Improvement Ideas - ensures no deadlines missed 主管每日跟踪合理化建议。5天内给予答复,组织合理化建议实施所需的资源(3个月内实施完成,***在GAP内实施)。指导GAP班长收集和认可合理化建议。Supervisor follows up Improvement Ideas daily. Provides an answer within 5 days, & organizes the resources to implement Idea < 3 months; ideally within GAP. Coaches GAP Leader on Idea generation & recognition for Ideas. 向UAP经理汇报结果和改善的行动计划 Present results and Improvement Action plans to UAP manager 主管看板回顾(***每周)是回顾改善活动的机会。通过UAP经理的指导,讨论绩效的影响,决定正确的行动。 The Supervisor Dashboard Review (ideally weekly) is the opportunity to review the Improvement actions. Their impact on performance is discussed and corrective actions decided through individual coaching by UAP Manager.