首要职责 Primary Functions 为牧野武汉新机床产品的本土化研发提供必要的技术支持。 Provide technical support for MJC machine tool products' business promotion.
主要任务和职责 Main Duties & Responsibilities (1)牧野武汉定制化机床的设计:了解客户需求,提出最优解决方案,使牧野产品在市场上具有竞争力,保证按时、高质量地将设计交付于相关生产部门。 MJC customized design: Understand customer requirement. Propose best optimized solution to make MAKINO product competitive in the market. Deliver design to production on time with high quality.
(2) 牧野武汉本土化开发:验证本土的替代部件,准备研发验证报告,支持核验供应商以及发布新变更的工程变更通知(ECN)。 MJC localised components: Validate alternative part. Prepare R&D validation report. Support MJC PUR to verify vendor. Release Engineering-Change-Notices (ECN) for the new change.
(3) 牧野武汉销售支持:为售前提供技术信息/优化解决方案,回复销售部门的定期技术咨询,根据成本和技术信息为销售行政提供询价信息。 MJC Sales support: Provide technical information /optimized solution for pre-Sales. Reply Sales’ regular technical enquiry. Process RFQ with costing and technical information for Sales admin.
(4) 牧野武汉生产支持:与生产部共同确保研发设计理念的正确实现,收集装配反馈并改进产品。验证定制的新设计。 MJC production support: Work together with Production Engineering to ensure R&D design concept is realized correctly. Collect feedback from assembly and improve product. Verify customized new design.
(5)负责Solidworks机械设计,在SAP中创建BOM清单; Responsible for solidworks mechanical design, and BOM-Creation in SAP;
(6)提出持续改进的建议 Make proposals for continuous improvements
(7) 完成主管所分配的任务 Accomplish assigned tasks from manage
职位描述 Position Specification 教育背景: a) 本科以上学历,机械工程相关专业 Qualification: Minimum for bachelor degree, major in mechanical related. b)至少3年机械设计相关工作经验 Minimum 3 years with related experiences in mechanical design. c) 熟练机械设计流程,熟练掌握机械3D建模(Solidworks), 2D图纸和BOM编制 Familiar with mechanical design work flow and mechanical design in Solidworks, 2D drawing and BOM creation. d) 较强的分析能力和动手能力(验证设计工作/解决服务问题) Strong analytical skills and can do hands-on works (validation for Design work/ service issue troubleshooting) e) 良好的团队合作精神,能够按时高质量完成项目 Have good sense of team spirit and able to finish project on time with high quality. f) 具有解决问题,分析问题的能力 Good problem solving & analytical skills. g) 具有良好的熟练的英语听说读写能力 Proficient English skills in reading, writing and speaking. h)有机床相关工作背景 Having working experience of machine tools industry.
职位要求: a)具有良好的沟通能力 Essential Attribute: Good and effective communication skills. b) 具有丰富的经验,对工作认真,主动 Resourceful, initiative and independent c) 良好的组织能力 Good organizational skills d) 具有优秀的团队合作精神和接收能力 Good team player and fast leaner. e) 对工作诚实,忠诚 Honest and sincere.