Job Responsibilities 工作职责: 1.Responsible for maintenance and operation of black utilities and facilities. 负责非洁净公用设备及厂房设施的运行和维护; 2.Responsible for operation of process gas system, for example N2, O2, CO2, CDA, etc. 负责工艺气体系统的运行,如氮气、液氧、二氧化碳、压缩空气等; 3.Responsible for maintenance and operation of HVAC system, including HVAC system for classified and non-classified area. 负责暖通空调系统(包含洁净区与一般区域)的运行和维护; 4.Responsible for maintenance and operation of electric power system, boiler and industrial steam system, chilled and hot water system, waste water treatment system, water system, etc. 负责电力系统、锅炉和工业蒸汽系统、冷热水系统、污水处理系统、水系统等的运行和维护; 5.Management of specialist contractors and vendors to maintain black utilities and facility. 管理专业承包商和供应商,维护公用设备及厂房设施; 6.Responsible for the GMP documentation handling of DVR, CCR, CAPA for facility and utilities. 负责厂房设施及公用设备的DVR, CCR, CAPA的GMP文件处理; 7.Other work arranged by superior leaders. 上级领导安排的其他工作。
Qualification 任职资格: 1.Experienced in pharmaceutical plant maintenance are preferred, have a certain understanding of GMP documents and concept; relevant special equipment operation certificates, such as low-voltage electrician certificate, high-voltage electrician certificate, boiler operation certificate, pressure vessel operation certificate, etc. 具备药企的维修工作经验者优先考虑,对GMP文件和体系有一定了解;有相关的特种作业操作证,如低压电工证、高压电工证、锅炉操作证、压力容器操作证等; 2.Basic understanding of black and clean utilities, for example chiller, boiler, air compressor, HVAC, clean room; 对洁净和非洁净公用设备有基本的了解,如冷水机组、锅炉、空压机、暖通空调、洁净室等; 3.Strong operational ability and resistance to pressure. 有较强的动手能力及抗压能力; 4.Adaptable to shift work. 须适应倒班; 5.Junior college degree or above in mechatronics, electrical automation or related engineering. 大专及以上学历,机电一体化、电气自动化及工程相关专业; 6.At least three years of professional experience. 有三年以上从事专业相关的工作经验。