Quality System Management "按IATF16949要求,建立文件化质量体系并持续改进 Set up the quality system procedures and dynamically update according to IATF16949"
"根据IATF16949的要求,组织实施内部审核及第三方审核 Completion internal audit and preparation the third party audits according to IATF16949"
"管理评审工作开展前准备 Ready to management review papers "
"PQA制造过程能力审核的实施开展 Completion Process Qualification Audit"
"公司体系运行年度计划的拟定及实施跟踪 Plan and tracking annual audit planning "
"确保8QB等质量工具及质量管理系统在工厂内有效应用 Ensure that Quality tools (8QB)and Quality Management System are applied and efficient within the plant"
"关注产品安全法规,推动质量体系效率 Concern the S/R for product, and promote the implement of quality system efficiency"
"组织客户要求的质量体系在工厂实施 Implement the quality system of CSR in plant"
"监控并收集系统结果,并通过组织进行汇报 Monitor and collect System results; report them through the organization" 2.CCC强制性产品认证管理
China Compulsory Certification Management "按CCC要求建立/修订程序文件 Set up CCC procedures and dynamically update according to CCC "
"CCC证书申请 (如:申报资料提交、型式试验通知等) Apply for CCC Certification (such as: submit documents,Notice the type testing)"
"维持和管理工厂已获CCC证书的自我声明有效性 (组织内外部审核,变更申请等) Maintain and manage the factory has obtained CCC certificate and CCC mark the validity of the self-clarfication(Organize internal and external audit, changes application etc)" 3.文件控制
Document Control "获取CCC/IATF16949/FCP的最新版本和最新动态 To get the latest edition and dynamic for CCC/IATF16949/FCP at Faurecia Group"
"确保受控文件的管理 (登记/发放/回收/销毁/贮存) Ensure to manage the control document(register/send/call back/extinction/store)"
4.LLS 负责工厂LLS的协调,收集工厂LLS收集,提交和平行展开。 As plant LLS coordinator, lead plant LLS collection, submission, and transversalisation. 5.附加和其它工作任务 Other and Specific Missions "协助完成ISO14000/ISO45001的内、外部审核工作 Assist complete ISO14000 / ISO45001 internal and external audit work"
"遵守公司的道德与管理规范、符合的利益冲突申明。 Abide by the company's ethics and management standard, conform to the conflict of interest statement."
"确保完全遵守HSE规章制度,具体要求请参考CHN-I-LSE-5006_ZH 座椅中国区HSE资源、作用、职责和权限指导文件 Ensure full respect of HSE rules and regulations"
"支持集团工厂体系工作的策划与实施. Support the planning and implementation of the group factory system work."
"保证和直属经理的透明和及时沟通 Ensure transparent timely communication with Line Manager "
"部门内其他员工不在时,顶岗 Replace other staff’s job when he/she is absent or busy"
"直属经理交给的其他临时工作 Others temporary job given by Line Manager" 任职资格: "大学专科及以上学历 College Degree or above in any major"
"汽车及零部件制造行业生产型企业3年以上质量体系工作经验,做过通用客户为佳 At least 3 years working experience in Quality System in Production Plant in Automotive Manufacturing Industrial , SGM customer experience is prefer"
"质量管理理论和方法 Quality managerment theory and method"
"程序文件的编写方法 Creation method for procedure document"
"改进工具(8D/QRQC)的理论和方法 the theory and method of quality improve tools (8D/QRQC) "
"质量工具(PFEMA/APQP/SPC/MSA)的理论和方法 the theory and method of quality tools (PFMEA/APQP/SPC/MSA/)"
"ISO14000/ISO45001/IATF16949内审能力 Internal audit ability for ISO14000/ISO45001/IATF16949"
"国家及地方质量环境安全健康法规政策 Country and local regulation for quality/HSE "
"文件资料管理理论和方法 Theory/method for files/data management"
"文件资料的保存期限要求 Storage term requirement for files/data"
"Excel、Abode Reader、Word等办公软件 Excel、Abode Reader、Word etc. office software"
"沟通协调能力 Communication ability"
"FES佛吉亚卓越体系和文化 Faurecia Excellence System & Culture"