1.在项目中前期质量规划中协调,开发和指导项目质量工程师 Coordinate, develop and coach Program Quality Engineers in the advanced quality planning requirements in programs. 2.担任项目质量客户接口并且确保任何客户抱怨正确处理; Serve as the interface with customers regarding program quality and ensure that any customer complaints are correctly processed 3.确保项目质量开发符合项目进度 Ensure that the quality development in any given program is on track with the program schedule. 4.确保项目阶段,量产前和任何变更过程中的产品质量是有保证的 Ensure that product quality is guaranteed during the program phases, before Start of Production and during any modification process 5.确保项目质量工程师和供应商质量工程师之间的协调以确保供应商提供的零件是***的 Assure coordination between Program Quality Engineers and Supplier Quality Engineers so that quality from supplied parts is optimised. 6.和客户,供应商验证样件 Validate prototypes with suppliers and customers.