岗位职责: Responsibilities: 1、负责零部件3D数据设计审核,2D图纸的审核; Responsible for the review of 3D data design and 2D drawings of parts; 2、审核相关技术资料,如零部件明细表、产品标准、产品描述,产品技术条件等; Review relevant technical data, such as parts list, product standard, product description, product technical conditions, etc; 3、对于设计产品的试制、试验和验证工作全程跟踪,负责并协调相关部门处理解决试验过程中出现的问题; Track the whole process of trial production, test and verification of designed products, and be responsible for and coordinate with relevant departments to deal with and solve problems in the test process; 4、负责与客户的技术交流及相关技术文件的编制审核工作; Responsible for technical communication with customers and preparation and review of relevant technical documents; 5、参与对供应商的技术评价和技术支持,确保供应商按照技术标准开发零件; Participate in technical evaluation and technical support for suppliers, and ensure that suppliers develop parts according to technical standards; 6、负责零件及装车缺陷分析,提出解决方案,协助质量部一起推进供应商的整改行动计划; Be responsible for the analysis of parts and loading defects, propose solutions, and assist the Quality Department to promote the supplier's corrective action plan; 7、参与收集及编写技术资料,整理项目的经验反馈。 Participate in the collection and compilation of technical data, and organize the experience feedback of the project 任职资格: Qualifications: 1、本科以上学历,车辆工程、机械制造及相关专业; Bachelor degree or above, major in vehicle engineering, mechanical manufacturing and related fields; 2、1年以上汽车(内外饰)电连接件/冲压件产品开发设计工作经验,熟悉产品开发流程; 3、熟练操作UG、 CATIA 设计软件及其他办公软件; Familiar with UG, CATIA design software and other office software; 4、具有良好的沟通协调能力和组织管理能力; Good communication and coordination ability and organizational management ability; 5、具有良好的分析判断能力和独立思考能力; Good analytical and independent thinking skills; 6、英语可作为工作语言。 English can be used as the working language.