1.按控制计划要求负责日常生产过程中的产品管控;Responsible for regular products control according to control plan; 2.运用质量技术分析生产的稳定性(CPK或PPK分析等);Use quality technology to analysis stability of production (CPK or PPK and etc.); 3.产品及内部过程审核及LPA审核;Product and process internal audit , LPA; 4.分析并降低产品报废率;Scrap analyze and reduce the scrap rate 5.处理客户投诉,编写8D报告;Handling of customer complaints, prepare the 8D report; 6.主导客户审核以及发现项改善活动;Lead customer audit and findings root cause analyze and correct 7.产品审核及年度型式试验报告;Production audit and annual re-qualification
1.参与新项目的开发(质量方面);Take part in development of new project (quality side); 2.定期评价供应商业绩及货物出厂记录,并将评价结果通知相关人员;Evaluate supplier’s performance and goods delivery record, as well as inform related personal; 3.部门领导交办的其它工作。Other tasks appointed by dept. leader.