岗位职责: 1. Do extrusion line set up acc to production planning, line set up standard based on time target(include the disassemble) 依据生产计划进度,正确备线并达到规定要求(包括拆线) 2. Install the former /finger onto uniform table correctly 正确安装模具定型块/定型指到模具定型台上 3. Do screw and MP cleanning based on production schedule demand 根据生产计划,及时清洗螺杆及熔体泵 4. Do frequently extrusion line and equipment cleanning and maintain to keep the good 6S condition 根据6S 要求, 定时进行挤出线设备清扫和保养 5. Clean material leakage on extruder, adaptor, till tooling to keep the well situation of equipment 清理设备及模具上的漏料,保持设备清洁 6. Do tighten the adaptor, flange, and tooling with torque device to match the standard requirement 根据标准要求, 正确使用扭矩扳手安装法兰,连接头,模具等 7. Keep the 6S for downstream equipment and tool area 保持设备放置和工具区域的整洁 8. Support Set up team to prepare machine on the line 协助生产线备线人员很好的完成备线工作 9. Other tasks arranged by section leander and SSV. 上级安排的其他任务