特别知识和技能 Special knowledge and skills required 61 能看懂图纸,熟悉模具工艺,加工成本。 Understand design drawing, tooling manufacture process and process cost. 61 最重要的是,积极活跃的态度参与工作之中,并且有较强的学习新技能的欲望,与团队配合默契 Most importantly, positive and proactive attitude toward the Work and willingness to learn the new skills and work with the team 职责范围scope of official duties 衡量标准judging standards 1. FEP模具评估:发布RFQ给供应商,收集并同项目成员一起评估合理的模具价格。 FEP Tooling assessment: Send RFQ to supplier, collect information and work with team to give reasonable tooling price. 2. 根据公司的采购供应商战略,组织团队开发潜在供应商。 Develop potential tooling supplier base on supplier strategy 3.模具供应商定点:根据技术要求发放RFQ,进行谈判及报价成本分析并在会上进行定点。 Tooling sourcing: Send RFQ to supplier base on technical demand, negotiate with supplier and analysis cost。 Make sourcing decision on sourcing meeting. 4. 根据采购流程发放模具采购合同,样品追踪,供应商付款及合同归档 Release tooling contract, track sample delivery, arrange supplier payment and file way contract and others according to procedure. 4. 支持项目或采购的降价任务。 Release tooling contract, track sample delivery, arrange supplier payment and file way contract and others according to procedure. 5. 完成日常的统计,报告及其他任务。 Complete information collection, report and others tasks.