1. 组织制订、修订所管辖职责范围内的相关规章制度和作业程序标准,经批准后监督执行; Formulate and revise relative regulations and operating procedure standards within the scope of responsibilities, Supervise the implementation after approval; 2. 组织实施车间生产计划,合理调配人员和设备,提高生产效益; Organize and implement workshop production plan, reasonably allocate personnel and equipment to improve production efficiency; 3. 主持车间例会,全面协调车间工作,对生产作业过程进行监督指导; Host the workshop meeting, coordinate the work in workshop, supervise and guide the production process; 4. 进行生产质量控制,监督检查车间员工工作,对违规行为提出警告和指正,监督检查生产过程中的自检和互检,防止不合格品流入下道工序; Control production quality, supervise and inspect the work of workshop staff, warn and correct violations, supervise and inspect the self-inspection and mutual inspection in production process to prevent unqualified product from flowing into next process; 5. 贯彻执行公司的安全管理规章制度,确保厂区无安全事故发生; Implement the safety management regulations to make sure that no safety accidents happened; 6. 推进5S现场管理制度,实现生产车间标准化管理; Promote 5S worksite management system, achieve the workshopstandardization management; 7. 根据生产流程和技术要求确定所需人员的资格条件、工作步骤,分配工作任务; According to the production process and technical requirements, determine the qualifications, work steps, and assign tasks; 8. 统计分析车间每日的生产情况,寻求改善,提高效率,控制成本; Statistical analysis of daily production status, seek improvement, improve efficiency and control the cost; 9. 组织车间生产员工参加业务培训,以满足生产需求; Organize production staff to attend operation training to meet the production requirements; 10. 做好车间人员的考勤、考核工作; Be responsible for the workshop staff attendance, assessment work; 11. 负责与本岗位有关的环境因素的识别、更新与控制; Identify, update and control the environmental factors related to the post; 12. 负责与本岗位有关的风险和机遇的识别、更新与控制。 Identify, update and control risks and opportunities related to the post.