主要职责Essential responsibilities and duties: 61通过生产过程的控制,保证生产的产品质量符合客户要求。优化过程控制,支撑生产的正常进行,并减少报废率和返工率。Through the control of the production process, to ensure that the quality of products produced meet customer requirements. Optimize process control to support normal production and reduce scrap rate and rework rate. 主要任务The main missions of the role are: 61参与新项目的设计/试制/导入等工作,从可行性阶段到启动后质量评估再到产品整个寿命。Participate in the design, trial-production and lead-in of new projects, from the feasibility stage to the quality assessment after startup to the whole life of products. 61帮助进行工程的故障模式和效应分析,同时进行质量计划活动,并监控产品整个使用寿命的状态。Assist in failure mode and effect analysis of the project, as well as quality planning activities and monitoring of the status of the product throughout its life. 61针对产生的缺陷,发现其产生的原因,并就控制和改进方面提出建议,参与客户相关质量问题的分析和改进。Identify the cause of defects and make recommendations on control and improvement. Participate in the analysis and improvement of customer quality issues. 61对所管理的人员进行指导和培训,确保有能力胜任工作,确保操作者关于产品、POKA YOKE验证和S/R要求都经过培训并且掌握。Conduct coaching and training for the people under management to ensure that they are competent and that the operators are trained and master the products, POKA YOKE and S/R requirements. 61 负责对内部过程相关质量文件的编写,执行,监控和必要的更改,确保产品和过程变更是按照指导要求,并参与P-FMEA团队。与工作站相关的质量文件如标准化指导书、返工指导书等必需保证与控制计划一致。Responsible for the preparation, implementation, monitoring and necessary changes of internal process related quality documents, ensuring that product and process changes are made in accordance with the instructions, and participating in the p-fmea team.Work station related quality documents such as standardized instructions, rework instructions, etc. must be consistent with the control plan. 61负责对所有生产方法以及产品改进方法与质量标准的一致性的评估和审查。Responsible for evaluating and reviewing all production methods and product improvement methods for consistency with quality standards. 61监控生产过程,完成和更新批量生产控制计划并检查控制计划实施有效性,发现潜在的质量隐患,并在出现质量问题时及时处理,采取纠正预防措施,对于分享的S/R警报能够培训到班长。Monitor the production process, complete and update the batch production control plan and check the effectiveness of the implementation of the control plan, find potential quality risks, deal with quality problems in time, take corrective and preventive measures, and train the monitor for Shared S/R alerts. 61收集并整理质量数据,制定质量报告,分析并监控产品质量趋势。Collect and organize quality data, develop quality reports, analyze and monitor product quality trends.