工作任务 Tasks: 根据依必安派特公司的验证指导进行元件的可靠性验证,确保元件(电阻,电容,模块,整流桥,MOS管,电感…)在最恶劣情况下安全可靠工作。 Do verification according EBM verification guideline; assure the components (resistor, capacitor, IPM, bridge, MOS, inductor…..) can operate safety in the most serious condition that fan would be applied... 根据设计要求,了解电路功能,评估出元件最恶劣的工作环境,并选合适的元件。 According to design specification, know about the circuit function, know how the component working in this condition and can estimate the most serious condition the component will face. 设计各种电机的驱动电路,仿真功能,计算参数。 Design circuit to drive all kinds of motor, simulate circuit function and calculate the parameters. 选择合适的元件,原理图的绘制,达到项目性能和成本的要求。 Select qualified component, draw circuit diagram, to get the performance and the cost request.
岗位要求 Requirements: 本科以上电力电子或自动化专业背景,有志于从事电子开发工作,电子爱好者佳。 Bachelor or above degree in Electronics Engineering or automatic engineering, interested in engaged in electronic development work, electronic enthusiasts is preferred. 掌握模电、数电和电路原理专业知识,专业知识优秀。 Master the professional knowledge of analogue electronics, digital electronics and circuit principles, with excellent professional knowledge. 良好的沟通与团队合作能力。 Excellent interpersonal communication and team working skills are required. 良好的英语听说读写能力 Excellent English oral and writing skills.