1、物料供应控制及改进 Material Conctrol&improvement "保证物料供应(含备件),并使存货水平在预算内 Ensure the inventory level in budget and ensure the replenishment of materials(including the spare part material)" "根据客户更新的计划,相应调整和控制库存,并对库存准确率进行分析 Material inventory analysis and control basing on customer’s updated schedule" "处理部分SAP数据录入工作 Handing some data maintain in SAP" "安排和检查盘点,确保库存的准确性 Arrange and check phycial check, ensure the inventory accuracy." "现场物料报警管理及处理. BOP Alert in shop floor management." "通过分析库存结构,优化供货方式等方式不断降低库存水平 Continully reduce JNI thourh inventory analysis ,optimize supply mode ect. ." "跟踪ECR/ECO实施状况,提供正确的物料切换日期并确保没有呆料 Tracking ECR/ECO,ensure material switch date and no obsolete material happen" 2、系统维护 System Maintain "维护系统内的产品结构和物料的主要参数,保证其与工程的一致性 Maintain the product structure and item master in MFG/PRO system and ensure they are in-line with released engineering BOM" "将工程转化为系统内的,并保证系统的与实际生产工艺和采购状况一致 Convert the engineering BOM into MFG/PRO BOM and ensure it is in-line with the manufacturing process and purchasing status" "跟踪及改进各项系统KPI,保证各KPI指标符合集团的要求。 Tracking and improve system KPI,maintain KPI performance." "及时更新和检查系统内的物流参数,保证其准确性,如安全库存,提前期等 Update and check logistics data in MFG/PRO timely and ensure the accuracy of data base, such as safety stock, lead-time and etc" "整理计划的程序文件 Arrange and consolidate the plan model of department procedure documentation" 3、供应商管理 Supplier Management "控制进货的额外费用 Control the extra transportation cost (inbound)" "根据SAP的运行结果,更新供应商的送货计划,并负责每周向供应商发布滚动预测和定单 Update deliveries schedule after running SAP, release the rolling purchasing schedule to suppliers every week." "负责追踪到货,并评估和监督供应商的供货表现 Tracing and maintain suppliers deliveries, and review and monitor the supplier’s delivery performance" "审核供应商&承运商的送货服务并改进 Audit the supplier&forwarder‘s performance and make imporvement action plan" "与供应商&承运商对账,确保账目正确,在系统内申请承运商运费 Reconcile with suppliers & forwarders,supply transportation fee from SAP system" "与供应商保持良好的关系, 及时获取供应商信息 Building a strong relationship with suppliers and get the information in time" 4、沟通协作 cooperation and communation "与其他成员共同工作,紧密关注物料的补充 Daily contact with others members, close management of the material replenishment" "支持和协助部门解决问题 Support and help to fix problems" "保持严谨和严格要求(供应商管理,物料短缺,发货延迟等) Ensure discipline and rigor (supplier management, material shortage, delivery delayed…)" "重视和执行安全程序,政策以及指示 Ensure the respect of safety instructions, policies and procedures" 5、附加和其它工作任务 Other and Specific Missions "确保完全遵守HSE规章制度 Ensure full respect of HSE rules and regulations" "遵守公司的道德与管理规范、符合的利益冲突申明。 Abide by the company's ethics and management standard, conform to the conflict of interest statement." "保证与部门经理和内部客户的完全和及时地沟通 Ensure transparent timely communication with logistic manager and internal customers" "与部门其他人员一起参与部门绩效的提高 Participate with other colleagues to improvement of department performance" "参加晨会,汇报现场绩效,成绩和问题以及正在跟进的行动 Participate to department Top 5 and report production performance, successes and issues as well as action initiated" "直属主管&经理交给的其他临时任务 Other temporary task arranged by Line Supervisor and manager" "负责进出口的相关事务 Responsible for import and outport" "确保售后订单的物料集结和售后订单的交付 Ensure the OES material collection and delivery to customer"