职责描述: 1 Planning Management 计划管理 1.1 Organize to make MPS(Master production schedule) with MRP, then send the production order to production department after audit.组织利用MRP制定生产主计划,经主管审核后,提交生产计划给生产部。 1.2 Organize the make procurement schedule with MRP, and then send purchase order to procurement after audit.组织利用MRP制定采购计划,经主管审核后,提交采购计划给物流采购人员。 1.3 Organize the daily check of the order variation and material supply then adjust the planning timely and inform production department and procurement.组织定期检查客户订单的增减和材料库存,及时调整生产计划和采购计划并通知相关部门。 1.4 Organize the follow the fulfillment of production order and purchase order. Alarm timely for the delay and work with relevant department to make solution.组织跟踪生产及采购订单的完成情况,及时预警通知相关部门,并组织提供解决方案。 1.5 Organize the material preparing for new project. 为新项目准备材料。 1.6 Organize to make Sub-contract order with MRP and send it to production. 利用MRP制定外包生产计划,并通知生产部。 1.7 Organize to follow the subcontractor order to fulfill in time. 跟踪外包订单及时交付。 1.8 Set and maintain the safety stock level and follow it strictly.设定并维护产品及材料的安全库存,并严格执行。 1.9 Control the stock level and stock rotation day to keep it in a reasonable level.控制总体库存水平和库存周转率,使其处于合理水平。
2 Purchase management 采购管理 2.1 Organize to send to purchase order to supplier after audit by supervisor and confirm the fulfillment date.经主管审核后,发送采购订单给供应商,确认交货时间。 2.2 Organize to follow the fulfillment of purchase order. Coordinate with supplier/forwarder to fulfill order timely.跟踪采购订单的完成情况,协调供应商及承运商,按时完成采购订单。 2.3 According to the requirement of planning, organize to coordinate with supplier for the additional order or cancel/postpone order with supplier. 根据计划的要求,及时与供应商调整增加或者延迟、取消采购计划。 2.4 Organize to coordinate with suppliers for returned goods and replacement.与供应商协商退货及补货事宜。 2.5 Organize to check and deliver invoice to finance for payment. 审核并送付款发票至财务。
3 Other 其他 3.1 Make relevant documents and follow rules, systems, regulations, and work instructions.编制相关制度文件,落实各项规章制度、管理办法、流程文件、操作规范等。 3.2 Coordinate company quality system building, management and quality improvement.配合公司质量体系的建设管理及质量改善工作。 3.3 Make and submit routine statistics and report.制作并提交例行统计报表。 3.4 Finish other jobs given by upper leaders.完成上级领导交办的其它工作。