岗位职责 1.为产品提供机械结构服务,包括结构设计、机电交叉功能、故障排除。 Deliver product products Mechanical structure services for products, including structure design, mechanical-electronic cross function, troubleshooting. 2.与供应商就塑料和金属零件制造设计改进、工具设计和进度进行协调和工具审查。 Coordinate and conduct tooling review with vendors on plastic and metal parts fabrication design improvements, tool design and the schedule. 3.分析工程问题,提出纠正措施,并实施开发模型的设计改进。 Analyze engineering issues and propose corrective actions and implement design improvement for developing models. 4.在原型设计和 TMS 测试期间提供机械问题并创建报告。 Supply mechanical issues during prototyping and TMS testing and create reports. 5.发布 ECO 用于生产发布、设计、BOM 维护。 Issue ECO for production release, design, BOM maintenance. 6.通过定期进行产品设计审查,确保产品质量符合公司标准,包括可制造性、生产和安全问题。 Ensure product quality is within company standards by regularly conducting product design review, that includes manufacturability, production and safety issues. 7.设计需要适应生产线上的自动化生产过程,并优化装配过程。 The design needs to fit the automated production process on production line and optimize the assembly process.
任职要求 1.机械工程或相关专业本科学历。 Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering or related field. 2.至少3年机械或配置设计经验(金属/塑料),熟悉专业音频。 With at least 3 years’ mechanics or configuration design experience (metal/plastic), familiar with Pro-audio. 3.机械设计专业。 Professional training in Mechanical Design. 4.英语听说读写熟练。 Proficient communication of English in listening, speaking, reading, writing. 5.有自动化生产ODM/OEM工厂工作经验者优先。 Working experience in an automated production ODM/OEM factory is preferred.