

人 · 大专 · 5年及以上工作经验 · 性别不限2024/08/06发布




? 在现有TPU深圳工厂中接受TPU相关生产知识的培训,包括工艺、产品、流程及操作步骤等;
? Be the trainer of TPU chemicals in process, products, process diagram & operation procedures in current Shenzhen TPU running plant;
? 在Start-up manager指导下协助OE准备并完善新工厂相关相关SOP;
? Work out and optimize SOP of operation for new plant together with OP and Start-up manager’s support and instruction;
? 严格执行公司相关HSE规定,特别是工艺安全相关的HAZOP分析中的工艺安全措施;
? Support to implement HSE requirement in the defined process safety measures included with HAZOP analysis;
? 学习并熟悉掌握新工厂的DCS配置及相关操作,包括新工厂的过程分析和其他数字化系统或工具;
? Learn and familiar with (DCS) configuration of the new plant, included process analysis and other digitalization system or tools for new plant;
? 进行过程控制相关操作、过程安全、物料平衡和操作程序的培训计划;
? Conduct training program of process control/operation, process safety, material balance and operation procedure;
? 根据P&ID准备及检查所有管道和仪表,与OE和Start-up manager一起准备开车检查事项计划;
? Coordinate/Prepare/Check all the piping and instrument according the P&ID, prepare the punch plan together with OE and Start-up manager;
? 与OE和Start-up manager一起执行装置/工厂调试和启动计划,并及时反馈并总结一线信息给Start-up管理团队;
? Implement the unit/plant commissioning and start-up plans together with OE and Start-up manager, and feedback and summary the field information to start-up management team;
? 与Start-up team一起协助设备试运行和工厂调试,包括生产、技术和维护团队、HSE及QC、包括Project team及EPC团队等;
? Support unit test run and plant commissioning with start-up team, included with production, technology and maintenance teams, HSE and QC, include Project and EPC team etc;
? 准备管线吹管,准备设备及管线水冲洗,学习并掌握如何启动任何设备/电机,并学习批次生产过程;
? Prepare the pipe blowing, prepare the water flushing, learn to know how to start any equipment/Motor, and learn the batch process;
? 在工厂开车过程中逐步组建团队,并协助培训每个团队成员,为下一步接管工厂日常运营做好准备;
? Build a team during the start-up process and training each team member to be ready to take over the unit daily operation in next step;
Plant Operation phase:
? 作为代理生产班长能积极落实并推行公司各项政策,如安全、环境、品质等政策;
? As production deputy supervisor, able to actively implement and promote various company policies, such as safety, environment, quality, etc;
? 必须有强烈的质量意识和质量责任感,要熟知生产产品的要求和标准,要熟练操作机器设备;
? Must have a strong sense of quality awareness and responsibility, be familiar with the requirements and standards of production products, and be proficient in operating machinery and equipment;
? 要有管理及培训员工的能力和技巧,要随时掌握现场生产现状,如有异常立即采取针对性处理并且记录 ;
? Have the ability and skills to manage and train employees, keep track of the actual production situation on site, and take targeted measures and record any abnormalities immediately;
? 作为代理班长能够有效监督各线生产情况,实施对产品品质的控管,减少不良品的产生;
? As an production deputy supervisor, can effectively supervise the production situation of each line, implement control over product quality, and reduce the occurrence of defective products;
? 按操作规程操作设备,监督生产操作人员按要求准备生产物料,安排培训并领导操作人员完成生产任务;
? Supervise the operators to handle the equipment according to operating procedures, prepare production materials as required, arrange training, and lead operators to complete production tasks;
? 协调和监控生产流程,改善工作质量,提高生产效率,保证安全生产;
? Coordinate and monitor production processes, improve work quality, improve production efficiency, and ensure safe production;
? 保持整个生产区域及生产设备的清洁,避免原材料的泄露和浪费;
? Maintain the cleanliness of the entire production area and equipment to avoid leakage and waste of raw materials;
? 大专及以上教育经历,5年以上TPU或相关塑料或化工行业制造业经验
? Junior college or above education experience, with at least 5 years of experience in TPU and related plastic synthesis or chemical manufacturing industries
? 较丰富的TPU或其他塑料生产线一线生产经验及班组管理经验,培训后能够有效地带领5~10人左右的生产团队
? Rich TPU or other plastic frontline production experience and team management experience, able to effectively lead a production team of around 5~10 people
? 良好的安全与团队意识,能组织生产团队根据公司要求安全高效的完成各项生产任务
? Good safety and team awareness, able to organize production teams to complete various production tasks safely and efficiently according to company requirements
? 愿意轮班工作,能够有效解决日常生产工作中的问题。愿意管理团队,勤奋工作,负责任
? Willing to work in shift work, and able to effectively solve problems in daily production. Willing to manage the team, hardworking, and responsible
? 操作经验方面需要熟悉塑料行业押出机操作为佳,接触或熟练操作DCS(或PLC)等中控系统为佳,需要基本的英文读写能力及基本英文口语交流
? Familiar with extruder in plastic industry is prefer candidate, and better to know about DCS control system (or similar PLC system), need basic read/write English and basic oral communication.
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