Definition IN ORDER TO, what results "Training &Coach (i) Training for planner & Asst planner of approved procedure & policies , ERP system operating process etc, (ii) monitor team performamce , lead team member take active actions to hit target (III) prepare some related report to Supervisor/Mgr" "Demand&Supply Analysis (i) Anlaysis demand fcst and actual orders and check difference with sales and demand managements team . (ii)Evaluate capacity and materials supply status to sure customer demand can be meet for both short and long term. (iii)Update the forecast and transfer the information to component planner and supplier; (iv) Review the existing and new project loading status and provide manpower request plan, capacity expanding suggestion to supervisor and relative departments in order to conduct effective control on demand and capacity ." "Master Production Schedule&Material Requirement Planning (i) Make Master production Plan to cover six months based on customer orders and fcst. (ii)On time Issue Purchasing order to supplier based on Materials Requirement Planning .to ensure get proper component timely " "Production/Materials control (i)Handle customer orders and check materials, components and cap to sure customer orders be confirmed with best delivery (ii)Master production schedule updates based on changes from customer requirements , Materials supply status and cap plan to sure Master Production Schedule accurancy . (iii)Comunicate with customers for any order changes to let customer know acutal status of their orders . (iv)Plan and buy materials on time to sure materials supply on time . (v) Plan weekly shop floor production plan to manufacturing to sure Master Production Schedule be carried . (vi)Release D/O to arrange delivery with logstics to sure shipments on time to customers. (vii)Cooperate with ME & QE & Production daily meeting to review production output , support and push to solve quality or techinal issue" "Delivery Performance (i)Manage customer orders delivery requirements based Materials supply , Cap and Manpower status to have delivery commitments happened (ii)Lead time anlaysis based on whole supply chain process to sure best lead time to be given to customers (iii)On time updates of lead time into system to reflect effective in Glocbal Source system ; (iv)Closed work with related functions to understand any impacts to delivery and take proper actions . (v)Review the backlog and analyze root cause of past due order;oversee abnormal production status; (vi)Prepare the related material and initiate the meeting to facilitate responsible department to solve the issues; " "Inventory control (i) weekly monitor top10 items ensure total inventory level at reasonable level (ii)Work with supplier to arragne materials incoming schedule base on Master production schedule (iii)Plan materials demand based on make to orders policy to avoid excess stock purchasing . (iv)Any Forecast building should be with sales or customers requirements and have proper approval from mgrs to reduce inventory risk (vi)Work with supplier to adjust incoming materials schedule based on Master Production Schedule changes to sure total inventory level be controlled. (iv)Deal with excess & obsolete inventory through working with PM , Ecoc and local functions monthly to clear non-use inventory on time . " "Internal Customer service (i) Provide timely and prompt feedback and enough support to internal customers to meet csutomer expections " "Education, Technical Qualification & Experience" "1:University degree with materials , Administractions specialty 2:At least 4years PMC working experience or related fields . 3:Rich knowleage ERP process and skillful ERP system operations . 4:Good english writing and speaking ." Personal Attributes & Competencies "Communication skills Open minded Pressure management skills Team work Resourceful in handling emergencies and deadlines Patience"