1、 负责实验室的测量工作,对相关测量设备、仪器进行校准和维护保养。 In charge of QA Lab measuring work,calibrate and maintain the measurement equipment or device. 2、 制定部门内相关测量仪器、设备的校验/维护作业指导书。 Draw up operation/maintenance instruction for measuring device and equipment in QA department. 3、 制定公司年度校准计划,并按计划实施校准工作。 Draw up annual calibration plan and follow the plan to ensure the calibration be done. 4、 对新进的测试仪器和设备进行校验。 Manage measurement devices, calibration and maintenance. 5、 监测/稽核公司ESD、洁净室环境控制等方面的符合性。 Monitor and audit company conformity of ESD and cleanroom environment. 6、 为检验人员提供技术上支持,对检验人员在仪器使用和检测方法方面提供适当的培训,以及测量方法的改善。 Give training to inspector about tools use and measurement methods implement. 7、 处理上级交办的其他事宜。 Deal with other assignments assigned by superior.