此岗位为国际学校项目物业设施管理,需具备一定英语基础 岗位职责: 全面理解合同条款、服务范围和顾客期望,努力满足客户需求 Understands the contract terms, conditions, service scope and client’s expectations at a detailed level ,makes great efforts to meet customer needs 有效调配资源,在满足甚至超越合同要求的同时,合理控制成本 Directs management resources to ensure that service levels are met and/or exceed cost effective manner through out the life of the contract 确保各项工作符合合同约定,并获得客户付款 Ensures that work performe is covered by the contract and properly reimbursed from the client 为客户在合同约定之外的服务需求提供建议书并协商报价 Prepares proposals and negotiating profitable compensation for requested work outside the original contract 制定客户业务计划,从而为客户建立积极主动的战略目标,在此基础上执行方案和计划。 Establishes a business plan to capture the strategic initiatives and targets for the client and the activities and actions to deliver on these 权衡和管理关键收益结果的交付情况,确保与设施计划和顾客期望及商业需要向匹配。 Measures, monitors and reports on the delivery of the key benefits and outcomes to the client, in line with the Facility Plan and client’s expectations and business needs 任职要求: Qualification & Requirements 本科或等同学历 Bachelor degree or equivalent 技术、企业管理、酒店管理、工业管理等专业 Major in Technical, Business Management, Hotel Management or Industrial Management discipline 5年以上软服务领域监督管理经验 5 years and above of management/supervisory experience in the soft service and/or maintenance operations 良好的团队意识 Good team spirit 较强的领导力和执行力 Strong leadership and execution ability