*For this position, please provide your profile in EN *Make sure to check cross-border email after applying
Job Descriptions:
As a Global HR Business Partner, you will act as strategic advisor within your assigned region, ensuring the alignment of our global business & people agenda and its respective localization. Reporting to the Global HR Director Business Stream, you will drive global and business-stream specific projects and initiatives within the region and your business stream. 作为全球人力资源业务合作伙伴,您将在指定的区域内担任战略顾问,确保我们的全球业务和民生议程及其各自的本地化保持一致。向全球人力资源总监直接报告,您将推动该地区和业务流程内的全球特定项目和计划。
1.You will localize and deploy the global HR strategy within the respecting business stream as well as the business-stream specific people strategy, ensuring its seamless implementation, operationalization, and daily business integration. 您将在相应的业务流程以及特定于业务流程的人才战略中实施本地化部署全球人力资源战略,确保其无缝实施、运营和日常业务整合。 2.You'll initiate and steer transformation projects within your region, driving business stream-wide cultural change and leading initiatives born from the global strategy. 您将发起和指导您所在地区的转型项目,推动整个业务流程的文化变革,并领导源自全球战略的举措。 3.You are tasked with coordinating global business needs with regional HR organization and regional CoEs; Collaborating and aligning HR efforts to meet the specific needs of the business stream, such as talent & succession management, strategic sourcing & recruiting of key positions and global leadership development. 您的任务是与区域 HR 组织和区域 CoE 协调全球业务需求;合作并调整人力资源工作以满足业务流程的特定需求,如人才和继任管理,关键职位的战略采购和招聘以及全球领导力发展。 4.You will act as an advisor to senior management on the strategic implementation of global and regional plans, considering their organizational impacts. 考虑到其组织影响,您将担任高级管理层的全球和区域计划战略实施顾问。 5.You will drive corporate strategic initiatives such as our Corporate Sustainability initiative or leveraging global and regional KPIs and CSR program and diagnosing performance gaps for strategic action. 您将推动公司战略计划,例如我们的企业可持续发展计划,或利用全球和区域 KPI 和 CSR 计划,并诊断绩效差距以采取战略行动。 6.You will be advising senior regional business managers, providing people management solutions and consultancy in organizational and people development (including talent management and succession planning) as well as grading and reward structure within the respective business stream. 7.You will be responsible for advising senior regional business managers on employment law related questions referring to people matters within the respecting business stream. 您将为高级区域业务经理提供建议,在组织和人员发展(包括人才管理和继任计划)以及相应业务流中的等级和奖励结构方面提供人员管理解决方案和咨询。
Job Requirements:
1.Possessing 5-7 years of HR experience, ideally as a Business Partner within international matrix organizations of large corporations, with expertise in labor law, and a proven track record of effective communication and navigation within co-determination structures. 拥有 5-7 年的人力资源经验,***是作为大公司国际矩阵组织的业务合作伙伴,具有劳动法方面的专业知识,并在共同决定结构内有良好的沟通和导航记录。 2.Several years of project management experience, including driving global change management measures, combined with expertise in planning and executing global HR initiatives (e.g., Talent Development and Leadership, Talent Attraction, etc.) 多年的项目管理经验,包括推动全球变革管理措施,结合规划和执行全球人力资源计划(例如,人才发展和领导力、人才吸引等)的专业知识 3.Experience in stakeholder management and regular communication to the executive board and upper management 具有利益相关者管理以及与执行董事会和高层管理人员定期沟通的经验 4.Fluent in English and regional specific Chinese languages (i.e. Cantonese or Mandarin) 流利的英语和特定地区的中文语言(即粤语或普通话) 5.Willing to travel to national and international locations 愿意接受工作中的出差安排