61 Define and monitor CTQ (Critical To Quality) of product and its production process, find violation and push to correct 定义和监控产品及其制造过程的 CTQ,发现违规行为并推动纠正; 61 Work with process department to work on internal quality problems, root cause analysis and monitor implementation of short&long term actions与工艺部门合作,解决内部质量问题,分析根本原因并监控短期和长期行动的实施情况; 61 Receive input from CQE of customer claims, define root cause, monitor internal containment actions, monitor implementation of short&long term actions接收 CQE 传递的客户投诉,确定根本原因,监控内部遏制措施,监控短期和长期行动的实施; 61 Monitor and collect internal quality data, summarize major and critical issues and communicate to internal team members to make short-term, medium-term and long term action plans/负责监视并收集内部品质数据,总结主要问题,和内部相关成员沟通并推动短、中、长期改善计划; 61 Support ISO9001 internal/external audits and customer related audits/协助内外部ISO9001审核以及相关客户审核; 61 Other duty assigned by manager /其它由经理布置的任务
任职资格: 61 Bachelor's degree or above/本科或以上 61 5 years Mechanical quality engineer experience or above/5年以上机械加工行业质量工程师经验 61 Familiar with Minitab, 8D, SPC tool requirements/ 熟悉Minitab,8D,SPC等质量工具要求 61 English requirements, good at reading and writing, basic oral communication/英语能力要求,较好的读写能力,具备基本的口语沟通能力;