1.参与FMEA活动,并编制控制计划; Participate the FMEA activity, build the control plan; 2.按照控制计划定义的控制方式编制生产线控制检查标准指导书; Build the SWI for process control and inspection according to the definition in CP; 3.对生产过程进行监控,发现质量隐患并协调整改,预防质量问题发生; Monitor and audit process and production, continue to improvement and prevent quality issue; 4.领导解决问题多功能团队运用8D流程,协调工艺、生产、设备维护、SQE以及供应商对产生的质量问题进行调查解决; Lead Problem Resolution Cross Functional Team using 8D-process:, Coordinate IE, production, maintenance , SQE or supplier to join and solve quality issue; 5.制作质量每周和每月报告,组织或参加质量会议; Make weekly and monthly quality report, organize or attend quality meeting; 6.分析和采取行动持续降低零件报废损失; Analyze and take action to reduce parts scrap cost; 7.对较为普遍的质量问题进行专项调查,降低返修数量及相关费用,持续改善DPMU; Focus on internal issue investigation and corrective action, reducing DPMU 8.编制审核计划并实施跟踪LOP改善(产品审核/分层审核/Poka Yoke等); Build the audit plan and implement in accordance with. (product audit/ layer audit / Poka yoke ect.)Follow up the LOP correction; 9.策划并实施COP试验,关注失效并解决改善; Design and implement COP testing, focus on the failure and lead to solve and improve; 10.产品能力监控与提高; Lead the monitor and improvement of product capability; 11.持续改善及预防; Continuous improvement and prevention; 12.为每班次产品要求符合性和拥有纠正措施的负责人,有权停止发运和生产,以纠正质量问题,并确保避免将不合格品发运给客户。 Assigned as the product conformity and corrective action responsible person for each shift , have the authority to stop shipment and stop production to correct quality problems ,and ensure that non confirming products is not shipped to the customer and all potential non-conforming product is identified and contained. 任职要求: 1.精通IATF16949:2016质量体系,有内审员证书; Familiar with IATF16949:2016 quality system, with internal TS auditor certificate; 2.熟悉FMEA.,CP, MSA, 8D, DOE, Error-proof等质量工具; Familiar with quality tools such as: FMEA. CP, MSA, 8D, DOE, Error-proof, etc. 3.有过程质量控制及过程审核分层审核经验; Experienced in process quality control, process audit and layer audit; 4.熟练运用8D 解决问题; Be familiar with 8D to solve problems; 5.具有良好的数据分析运用能力; Good Data Statistics Analysis Capability; 6.本科及以上学历,机械相关专业。 Bachelor's degree or above, mechanical related majors.