岗位职责: 1. 负责根据内部测试/检验指导书来检查生产区域的产品质量以保证满足客户的需求。/To check the quality of products in the production areas and to ensure that customer requirements are met according to the internal testing / inspection instructions. 2. 确保在生产区域内的测试和验证指导书永久有效并且能够根据内部规程进行更新。/Permanently ensure that the testing and verification instructions are available at the workplaces and they are updated according to internal procedures. 3. 检查职责范围内所有的工艺流程文件和特定的质量文件并通知质量工程师有关检测到的不合格情况。/Check all processes and specific quality documents in the area of responsibility and notifies the quality engineer regarding the nonconformities detected. 4. 根据内部检验指导书运用测量和控制设备对产品进行检查 。/Inspects the products using measurement and control equipment according to the internal inspection instructions. 5. 根据内部流程,准备,保存和控制检验流程(数据采集表,检测报告,等..)所需的文档。/To prepare, keep and control the documents required for the inspection process (data collection sheets, inspection reports, etc..) according to internal procedures. 6. 根据内部流程,确保已检查过的部件和产品的明确识别及它们的检查状况。/Ensure the clear identification of components and products which have been inspected and the status of inspection, according to internal procedures. 7. 根部内部流程,对在生产过程中发现的不良状况进行分析,处理。/Analysing and dealing with the abnormal conditions detected in production process according to related documents.