The main responsibility of the Sourcing Manager within General Purchasing is to ensure the procurement of category specific products and services to the right cost and the right capacity, by independently developing and performing activities based on category strategies and Business Plan to continuously improve the Technology, Quality, Delivery and Cost focusing on Sustainability (TQDCS).
The most significant Duties and Tasks for this role are described below. The Sourcing Manager is responsible for Categories of standard to medium complexity.
Category responsibility Responsibility for developing and executing the activities in Commodity Plan and Business Plan, for example:
Supplier base 61 Acquires and utilises category specific industry, market and technology knowledge. 61 Maintains and develops relationship with suppliers. 61 Develops and maintains category specific supplier base. 61 Continuously evaluate the potential and risk of own supplier portfolio. 61 Introduces and phases out suppliers. 61 Drives and improves performance of Technology, Quality, Delivery and Cost, focusing on Sustainability. 61 Ensures long term capacity. 61 Coordinates bidders list within VW-group. 61 Supports internal stake holders with category commercial knowledge.
Strategies 61 Creates, develop and maintains category strategies. 61 Takes part in or leads Strategic Category Management work (if appointed). 61 Aligns strategies and activities globally, with VW-group or other relevant strategic alliances. 61 Contributes to development of sustainability strategies in close cooperation with internal customer. Business and sourcing plans 61 Develops and executes business plan activities and ensure business plan result. 61 Creates and executes the Global Sourcing Plan. 61 Identifies and realises savings. 61 Ensures long term capacity, availability and cost.
Sourcing Responsibility Performs sourcing of products and services by carrying out activities based on category and commodity strategies, for example: 61 Prepares and send out RFQs/Global sourcing. 61 Analyses offers. 61 Ensures cross functional alignment and necessary activities. 61 Leads negotiations. 61 Prepares and presents sourcing case in decision forums. o Recommends best choice of suppliers, based Technology, Quality, Delivery and Cost with a focus on sustainability. o Monitors supplier sustainability and quality ratings. 61 Realizes savings. 61 Nominates suppliers for new and current business. 61 Creates contract/orders for signing.
Legal responsibility 61 Handles deviations and changes from contract templates in cooperation with consultation from legal department. 61 Develops Contract templates in cooperation with legal department.
Cross functional alignment Takes an active role in ensuring that activities are carried out and alignment with important cross functions, for example: 61 Guide internally in GP Purchasing process. 61 Leads and accounts for sourcing activities. o Coordinates work and meetings. o Drives and ensures progress. 61 Represents Scania Purchasing within VW-group.
Manage deviations Acts promptly on deviations from normal situation to counteract disturbances or disruptions in the supply chain, such as: 61 Handles deviations within area of responsibility. 61 Resolves bankruptcy situations. 61 Supports internal customer’s need. 61 Leads escalations.
Administration 61 Places orders. 61 Handles Invoices. 61 Updates Price lists. 61 Documents work progress and deviations. 61 Administrates contracts and price lists. 61 Administrates and understands currency and other relevant index.
Continuous improvement Proactively initiates and conducts improvement work (routines, processes etc.) within own area of responsibility as well as contributes to the overall improvement work.