一、岗位职责: 1、深度参与面向高速逻辑系统的系统设计和FPGA 开发工作:包括需求分析、方案设计、逻辑编码、仿真验证、上板调试; 2、按时高质量完成项目开发任务,负责项目相关文档撰写和维护。 二、任职要求: 1、拥有2-5年以上丰富的FPGA开发经验(包括时钟设计、时序与IO约束等),精通Verilog和C/C++语言,熟悉Xilinx FPGA 高端系列器件(如Xilinx Virtex Ultrascale+等),熟练使用 Vivado等FPGA开发工具,精通大规模 FPGA 高速设计,具有扎实的数字电路和数字信号处理功底; 2、有FPGA高速接口(如Serdes、Ethernet、PCIE、光纤通信、DDR接口等)开发经验者优先;有大规模射频、微波系统FPGA开发调试经历者优先; 3、半导体,集成电路,电子、计算机、通信、自动化等相关专业本科及以上学历; 4、具有良好的英语口语交流及写作能力,良好的责任心,积极上进的工作态度,良好的团队合作精神。 三、团队背景介绍: Dr. Dave Keezer specializes in the design and test of ultra-high speed multi-GHz electronic systems. He is mainly engaged in research in the field of electronics design and testing methods for high-speed (GHz-THz) digital ICs and systems, with emphasis on accurate timing control in the picosecond and femtosecond range. His expertise is also in IC advanced packaging, including micro-BGA, chiplets, laser-programming of ultra-large-scale ICs, and test methods for known-good-die (KGD). Until 2024, Dave’s lab in China currently has measurement capability with 70 GHz bandwidth (extendable to 100 GHz) and digital signal generation up to 56 Gbps NRZ using SiGe ICs with ~9ps logic transitions and very low (~200fs) jitter. He is currently planning to extend this capability to 112 Gbps NRZ and ~200 Gbps using PAM4. Dave is an IEEE Fellow since 2010, and he has worked for Georgia Institute of Technology about 30 years as a full professor, and industrial experience at IBM and Intel. He has published over 280 articles on advanced testing methods. And now, he is the Co-Advisor of Ph.D. student in Shanghai Jiaotong University and Hongkong Polytechnic University, as well as a Chair Professor in EIT in Ningbo, China.