职位描述 Job Description: 1. 负责支持新项目的工艺规划,过程设计等; Be responsible for process planning, process design for new project. 2. 负责现有项目的持续改善,配合现场解决生产制造问题,编写工艺文件,OMS,工艺参数等; Be responsible for continuously improvement of existing projects, manufacturing problems solving , process documents, such as OMS, process parameters, etc. 3. 根据生产成本分析,提出改进建议,并与相关部门合作进行改进; Make improvement proposal based on the production cost analysis, and work with the related department to make improvement. 4. 起草设备相关标准,技术协议等,负责设备验收; Be responsible for equipment-related standards, technical agreements, equipment pre-acceptance and final acceptance, etc. 5. 设施布局优化,生产线优化,实现均衡生产;负责精益生产相关工作; Facility layout optimization, production line optimization, to achieve balanced production. Responsible for the training and application of lean tools. Such as 5S, Kanban, VSM, SOP, Pull, JIT, Line balance, SMED, TPM, Kaizan. Responsible for the planning and implementation of lean projects. 6. 负责生产线的周期时间和平衡率,在ERP系统中建立和更新标准产能和BOP。建立标准工时和产能数据库,并及时更新; Take charge of cycle time and line balance rate of production line, set up and update the standard capacity and BOP in ERP system. Establish standard hours and capacity database, and update in time.
职位要求 Requirements: 1. 机械设计相关专业统招本科及以上学历 Bachelor degree in Mechanical Manufacture and relatives. 2. 五年以上相关工作经验。 At least 5 years relevant working experience. 3. 熟练使用3D软件,如Pro/E, Solid Edge等;英语熟练,可作为工作语言;熟练使用Office软件。 3d drawing software, such as Pro/E, Solid Edge and etc. English as working lanague. Computer software to include, Microsoft Work, Excel, PowerPoint and Microsoft Project.