岗位职责/Responsibilities 1. 根据教学大纲,制定幼儿园教学目标和计划。 Set academic goals and plans according to the syllabus. 2. 负责幼儿园教学工作的制定、实施与评估,保证教学质量。 Responsible for academic planning, scheduling, arrangement and other concrete work, improve education and secure the quality of the class. 3. 负责教务团队的管理与建设,包括中外籍教师,建立科学合理的教学管理制度。 Responsible for the teaching team (both Chinese and English teachers) construction and management, establish scientific and reasonable teaching management system. 4. 根据幼儿在园的保教情况做好家长沟通工作,定期举行家长会议,及时听取家长的意见和建议,并进行外部回应和内部调整。 Communicate with the parents according to students’ situations, hold parents meeting regularly, listening to their suggestions and advices, give them feedbacks and make some internal adjustments. 5. 配合园长建立健全的班级教学安全管理系统,提升应对突发意外事件的管理能力,确保园所幼儿、教师的人身安全。 Cooperate with the principal to establish the safety teaching system, improve the management ability when accident happens, ensure students and staff safety. 6. 配合园长做好教育局、年检等相关机构的检查工作,以及对幼儿园的各项教学质量评估工作。 Work with the principal for inspections, and the evaluation of teaching quality from the government and related organizations. 7. 配合校内外各项活动的开展。(例如:招生活动) Actively participate in different activities, such as students enrollment. 8. 不断提升自己,积极参加各项培训活动,并鼓励和支持老师参加培训活动。 Participate in different kinds of training to improve yourself, encourage and support teachers to go to training. 9. 按要求做好向上级的汇报工作。 Report your work to your supervisor regularly. 10. 若校区规模小于(含)2个班,则教务主任需参与带班工作。 The dean has to manage the class if there are only 2 classes or less. 11. 统筹管理幼儿园的教学物质,并根据教学需求,安排专人及时做好请购、领用等工作。 Take charge of teaching materials, arrange the buyer to purchase the supplies. 12. 完成园长交办的其他工作。 Finish other tasks asked by principal. 岗位要求: 1. 本科及以上学历,英文六级及以上。 2. 5年以上学前教育教学及管理工作经验。 3. 留学经验及从事国际幼儿园经验优先。 4. 必须持有教师资格证、普通话证书(二级甲等及以上)、健康证,若***专业非学前教育的,请提供幼儿教育上岗证 5. 责任心强,具有吃苦耐劳的良好品质。