主要职责: 1. 参与产品需求分析,从硬件的角度给出建议; Participate product requirement analysis and give suggestions from the perspective of hardware; 2. 熟悉汽车电子产品相关的法律法规及行业标准; Familiar with laws and regulations that related to Automotive industry and associated standards; 3. 对汽车电子控制模块进行设计与开发; Design and development of automotive electronics module; 4. 能独立完成硬件电路可行性研究,原型设计和验证工作; Can individually finish HW circuit feasibility studies, prototype design and validation; 5. 板级模拟、数字电路设计,包括电子元件选型; Detailed board-level analog and digital circuit design, including Component selection; 6. 完成电路的最坏情况分析,失效模式分析等; Finish the worst case analysis and failure mode analysis of the circuit; Perform circuit modeling and analysis, conduct functional and failure mode testing; 7. 对电路进行模拟分析,并进行功能测试和故障模式测试;负责产品EMC性能的改进 Responsible for product EMC performance improvement 招聘要求: 1. 本科以上学历,电子工程相关专业优先; Above Bachelor degree,Electronics Engineering related major is a plus; 2. 须有5年以上模拟和数字电路设计的工作经验,3年以上在汽车电子设计的工作经验; 5+ years working experience in microprocessor-based analog and digital circuit design 3+ years working Experience in automotive electronics design; 3. 熟悉的EMC / ESD认证,安全和热分析标准; Familiarity with standards for EMC/ESD, safety and thermal compliance; 4. 熟悉电路失效分析和DFMEA; Familiarity with Worst case analysis and the DFMEA; 5. 较强的沟通能力; Strong communication skill and capacity; 6. 良好的英语书面和口头表达能力; Good skills in written and spoken English; 7.有汽车行业背景的优先考虑;