Job Description: 1. Answer the phone and coordiinate with offcie statinaries; 2. Business travel flights/accomdation arrangement; 3. coordinate with various office daily consumption material vendors for receipts/distribution & bill settle; 4. Other ad-hoc assignments. 工作内容: 1. 负责前台电话的接听和转接; 2. 员工出差机票、酒店预订和安排; 3.对来访客人做好接待、引导工作,及时通知被访人员; 4. 配合各种办公室日常用品料采购和报销; 5.负责部分行政事务工作。 Requirement: 1. College degree, able to read&write in English; 2. Able to use office software( word, excel); 3. High responsibility and detail minded, postive attitude holder. 任职要求: 1. 大专及以上学历,英语; 2.有较强的沟通能力和学习能力; 3,工作细致,积极主动; 4, 能操作office办公软件。