工作地点:如有新船监造工作将会长期驻扎在船厂,如无新船监造工作回上海办公室工作 岗位职责: 1. 新造船船体图纸助理审核批复; 2. 船研技术收集和研究; 3. 参与新船监造,设备检验和船模试验等船舶性能试验等; 4. 船舶设计,营运相关法规研究; 5. 文件管理,存档,准备监造报告; 6. 收集船舶、内外部相关方对新建筑设计和工艺改进的反馈。 任职要求: 1. 知名大学船舶工程专业本科或研究生毕业, 熟练掌握船舶设计和制造知识,对航运业有基本了解。 2. CET-6, 良好的中英语沟通和写作能力 3. 熟悉office软件的基本操作(Word & Excel尤为重要) 4. 熟悉AutoCAD使用,具有软件编程的基本知识 5. 身体健康,视力佳 6. 勤劳上进,细心认真,注重细节,勇于接受挑战和加班和异地工作 7. 具有责任感且有团队合作精神 。 Accountability: 1. Assist on plan approval of newbuilding project on hull part; 2. R&D on shipbuilding and conversion technology; 3. Assist on newbuilding supervision, equipment inspection and various performance test (incl. model tank test); 4. Follow-up and study on relevant rule & regulation on ship design and operation; 5. Documentation; Preparation of supervision report; 6: Collection and study on crew's feedback from fleet. Requirements: 1. Bachelor or master of Naval architecture from renowned university; 2. CET-6; Good command in English; 3. Familiar with Office software; 4. Familiar with AutoCAD and programming; 5. Good health and eyesight; 6: Mature, self-motivated; diligent, meticulous, willing to work under pressure, overtime and work at home or aboard for long period; 7. Spirit of responsibility and teamwork.