

CFO/ 财务总监
人 · 本科 · 10年及以上工作经验 · 性别不限2025/02/06发布




必备技能和资格/Essential skills and qualifications:
1. 中国税法;
PRC tax legislation;
2. 中华人民共和国有关会计、税务计算和结算(包括跨境结算)的法令、决议、条例、命令、指南、方法和监管材料
PRC Legislative acts, resolutions, ordinances, orders, guidelines, methodological and regulatory materials on organization of accounting, tax accounting and settlements (including cross-border settlements);
3. 中国银行业法规
PRC banking legislation;
4. 会计和结算框架内的文件流程组织
Organization of document flow within the framework of accounting and settlements;
5. 编制会计结余和报表的程序和期限
Procedure and deadlines for preparation of accounting balances and statements.
6. 财务结算的形式和程序;
Forms and procedure of financial settlements
7. 计算机和组织设备的操作规则
Rules of operation of computing and organizational equipment.
8. 经济学、劳动组织和管理基础知识
Fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management.
9. 组织的内部组织和行政文件
Internal organizational and administrative documents of the organization.
10. 计算机会计程序
Computer programs for accounting.
11. 市场管理方法
Market methods of management.
12. 中华人民共和国劳动法规基础知识
Fundamentals of Labor Legislation of the People's Republic of China.
13. 组织生产技术基础知识
Fundamentals of the organization's production technology.
14. 劳动保护、工业、消防和环境安全的规定和规范。
Rules and norms of labor protection, industrial, fire and environmental safety.
作任务和职责/Job task and responsibilities:
1. 接收并在会计和税务会计中反映与银行业务核算有关的主要文件。
Receives and reflects in accounting and tax accounting primary documentation on accounting of operations with banks.
2. 控制和组织向公司付款的流程。
Controls and organizes the process of making payments to the Company.
3. 与银行、国家外汇管理局(SAFE)就跨境结算和立法进行沟通。
Communicates with banks, the State Administration for Foreign Exchange Operations (SAFE) on cross-border settlements and legislation.
4. 控制文件的可用性和正确执行,确认与银行结算的会计账户交易。
Controls the availability and proper execution of documents, confirming transactions on accounting accounts for settlements with banks.
5. 为内部和外地税务审计及独立审计准备文件。
Prepares documentation for in-house and field tax audit and independent audit.
6. 在职权范围内准备和(或)参与准备对税务部门、银行、其他中国政府机构询问的答复。
Prepares and (or) participates in the preparation of responses to inquiries from tax services, banks, other PRC government agencies within the scope of competence.
7. 应股东要求,母公司执行董事、总经理和经济与财务主管(首席财务官)在其职权范围内提供所需的信息。
At the request of the Shareholders, the Executive director, the General manager and the the Head of Economics and Finance (Chief Financial Officer) of the Parent company provide the requested information within the scope of their activities and within the limits of their competence.
8. 确保会计和银行文件的安全,并按照既定程序将这些文件归档。
Ensures the safety of accounting and bank documents, draws them up in accordance with the established procedure for transfer to the archive.
9. 在职权范围内参与公司规章和标准的制定。
Participates in the development of regulations and standards of the Company within the scope of competence.
10. 在职权范围内参与制定公司活动发展的措施和可能方案的计算。
Participates in the development of measures and calculations of possible options for the development of the Company's activities within the scope of competence.
11. 监督并全力支持中国的清算活动(如有必要)。
Supervise and fully support liquidation activities in PRC (if necessary).
12. 监测中国税务、银行、跨境结算和会计法规的变化,以及国际财务报告法规和标准的变化。
Monitor changes in tax, banking, cross-border settlements and accounting legislation, changes in international financial reporting regulation and standards in PRC.
13. 通过有计划的专业发展、自我培训、额外培训等方式提高专业能力。
Improves professional competence through planned professional development, self-training, additional training, etc.
14. 履行规范公司活动的内部监管和方法文件的要求。
Fulfills the requirements of internal regulatory and methodological documents regulating the activities of the Company.
15. 管理影响其目标实现的风险。及时组织对风险的识别、分析和评估,制定风险缓解措施。控制风险缓解措施的质量和及时执行。及时向所有利益攸关方通报风险。
Manages risks affecting the achievement of its objectives. Organizes the process of timely identification, analysis and assessment of risks, development of risk mitigation measures. Controls the quality and timely implementation of risk mitigation measures. Informs all stakeholders about risks in a timely manner.
16. 必要时
- 维护公司结算账户的运作,在客户-银行系统中准备和发送支付指令。
- 履行中国现行法律规定的其他职责和管理层的个别任务,以及公司现行的工作说明、命令、指示和规定。
If necessary:
- Maintains operations on settlement accounts of the Company, prepares and sends payment orders in the Client-Bank system.
- Performs other duties and individual assignments of the management as defined by the current PRC legislation, as well as current Job Description, orders, instructions and regulations in force at the Company.

Finance Business Partner Lead ID1749243-6万·13薪
51米多多提醒你:在招聘、录用期间要求你支付费用的行为都必须提高警惕。 以招聘为名的培训、招生,许诺推荐其他工作机会,甚至提供培训贷款,或者支付体检 、服装、押金和培训等费用后才能录用工作的,都属于违法行为,应当提高警惕。一经发现,请立即举报,并向当地公安机关报案。


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