61 Identify the national and local government safety/fire law and regulation and ensure company follow and implementation 鉴别国家及地方的安全,消防方面的法律法规及标准,并确保公司遵照实施 61 Support the audit from the outer organization for the safety check and implement the further improvement对于外部安全机构对公司安全隐患的审核给予帮助和支持,并落实预防改善措施。 61 Set up the company safety management system/standardized flow and monitor to be followed 制定公司的安全管理制度及标准化流程,并监督落实推广执行. 61 Identify the safety groups responsible, organization, regularly organize the excise to monitor the performance明确本单位各安全小组职责,选定人选,并组织实施定期演练监督检查 61 Responsible for company all areas safety potential risk finding, provide the regular report and follow up the action list status负责公司所有区域的安全隐患盘查,定期提供安全报告,并及时反馈实施状况 61 Safety Training for all employees, follow and ensure the responsible department to finish the safety training负责公司所有人员的安全教育训练,并监督责任部门车间安全教育训练落实执行 61 Responsible for general company facility safety check and push the equipment department to improve regularly 负责公司设备通用安全核查,并监督责任部门对设备定期检查,改善,落实执行 61 Involve in the safety incident investigate/analysis/deal with, monitor the responsible to take the corrective actions参与公司内安全生产事故调查/分析/提出处理意见,并监督责任部门落实预防改善措施。 61 Support EHS activities 支持EHS活动 61 Handle the facility issue 厂务工作 61 Communicate with government entity related to EHS相关行政单位的沟通对接