职位描述: -Oversee BDC team to meet established customer conquest objectives, closely monitor and analyze the achievement of these objectives, and adjust working strategies promptly as needed. 管理客服团队达成设定的客户招揽业绩目标,业务导向明确。且密切监控并分析目标达成情况,及时调整团队工作策略。 -Adapt to market dynamics by deeply mining business potential and devising strategies for converting leads into actionable plans. 根据市场动态变化,深度挖掘业务潜能,制定商机转化策略并落地实施。 -Delve into customer feedback, explore strategies for enhancing customer loyalty and retention rates, and provide valuable insights for business growth. 深入研究客户反馈,探索客户忠诚维系和客户保持率提升的方案,为业务发展提供有效建议。 -Continuously analyze and optimize team's processes to ensure high-quality, efficient operations and maintain team dynamism. 持续分析并全方位优化客服团队工作流程,保证高质高效和团队活力。 -Coordinate closely with Jebsen Porsche Centre teams, supervise and ensure customer issues and needs are addressed, followed up and resolved promptly, ensuring customer satisfaction. 高度协调客服团队和捷成保时捷中心团队的相关工作,监督并确保客户问题和需求得到及时响应、跟进并解决,保证客户满意度。 -Regularly report on progress and performance to management, and timely fulfill tasks assigned by superiors. 定期向管理层汇报工作进展和表现,及时完成上级安排的工作任务。 -Organize regular business training sessions for the team, and establish business knowledge assessments to ensure that team members maintain a high level of professionalism. 组织团队开展定期业务培训,制定业务知识考核内容,保证团队成员的专业能力。 职位要求: - At least 5 years of work experience in sales or aftersales of automotive industry,and 3 years team management experience; telesales management experience is preferred. 至少五年汽车行业销售或售后相关工作经验、三年团队管理经验,有电销团队管理经验者优先 Functional / Professional experience, knowledge and skills required: - Possess a good sense of customer service, excellent language expression and interpersonal communication skills, as well as keen customer insight ability. 具备优秀的客户服务意识、语言表达能力、人际沟通能力及敏锐的用户洞察能力。 - Creative, strong sense of responsibility with team spirit, able to withstand high-pressure. 有创造力,强烈的责任感和团队协作精神,能够承受高强度的工作压力。 - English – written and spoken is preferred. 有英语书面及口语能力更佳。 - Excellent of MS office & presentation skills. 熟练使用办公软件及演示技巧。