

Technical Services GM 海洋技术服务总经理
人 · 本科 · 10年及以上工作经验 · 性别不限2025/03/12发布




61 Must have 15 years’ experience working in onshore projects and offshore vessel management.
61 Must be culturally astute & be able to work across multiple cultures and a team player.
61 Must hold a degree in a business or engineering related subject, MBA is an advantage.
61 Must have a good working knowledge of MS Office, vessels and OOG cargo handling
必须熟练掌握Microsoft Office办公软件、船舶操作以及超大件货物(OOG)处理的相关知识。
A) Overview of Responsibilities职能概述
1. Developing a technical services business strategy with Profit and Loss (P/L) responsibility with focus on business development and some element of operation.制定技术服务业务战略,承担损益(P/L)责任,专注于业务发展以及部分运营工作。
2. Creating awareness with our prospect’s customers about Technical Services & Chartering of Chinese assets in both in China and overseas stakeholders. Traveling maybe required on case to case basis. 在中国和海外利益相关者中,向潜在客户宣传本莱恩的技术服务与租船业务,推广中国资产。根据具体需求可能需要出差。
3. In conjunction with the local team, develop relationship with vessel’s owner and strategic equipment/material supplier in China to promote and market their assets outside of China through Ben Line network. Similarly, support other offices within Ben Line Group to source for assets/material in China for overseas deployment. 与本地团队合作,与中国船舶所有者和战略设备/材料供应商建立关系,通过公司网络将他们的资产推广到中国以外的地区。同时,支持集团的其他办公室在中国寻找资产/材料,用于海外部署。
4. Mentoring & training colleagues in the China team and within network to develop local opportunities and initiatives. 对中国团队和网络内的同事进行指导和培训,开发本地机会和倡议。
5. Any other duties as assigned 完成上级主管分配的其他任务。
B) Business Development 业务发展
1. In conjunction with other offices within BL Group to identify prospective customers for technical services and chartering business. 与集团的其他办公室合作,寻找技术服务和租船业务的潜在客户
2. Meeting customers with a view to understanding their requirements & positioning Ben Line to win work. 与客户会面,了解他们的需求,并将本莱恩定位为赢得业务的公司。
3. Obtain RFQ from customer and attend the bidding for the job. Oversee the submission and conduct contract negotiations with customers/vendors while always protecting company interest.从客户处获取询价请求(RFQ),参加项目投标。监督投标文件的提交,并与客户/供应商进行合同谈判,同时始终保护公司利益
4. Support the local team and make technical proposals to customers either related to cargo or vessel. 支持本地团队,为客户制定与货物或船舶相关的技术建议书。
5. Achieve targets for sales growth and profitability of the business.实现业务销售增长和盈利能力的目标。
6. Developing and maintaining relationships with various stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, and regulatory bodies, to ensure that the company is well-positioned to meet its business strategy.与客户、供应商和监管机构等各种利益相关者建立和维护关系,确保公司能够很好地实现其业务战略。
C) Chartering租船
1. Act as the central point of contact for Offshore vessel (Chinese tonnage) for chartering inquires across IL's network where required.在需要时,作为离岸船舶(中国吨位)租船咨询的中心联系点,服务于本莱恩网络。
2. Identify and source vessels to meet project-specific requirements, ensuring competitive rates and availability.寻找并确定船舶,以满足项目特定需求,确保具有竞争力的价格和可用性。
3. Negotiate chartering terms and agreements with vessel owners, brokers, and customers.与船舶所有者、经纪人和客户协商租船条款和协议。
4. Coordinate with operational teams to ensure vessels meet project specifications and comply with regulatory requirements. This will requires with work with Classification Society and MSA where applicable.与运营团队协调,确保船舶符合项目规格并遵守监管要求。如有必要,需与船级社和海事局合作。
5. Monitor chartered vessel performance and address any operational or contractual issues.与运营团队协调,确保船舶符合项目规格并遵守监管要求。如有必要,需与船级社和海事局合作。
6. Build and maintain a network of vessel owners and brokers to enhance chartering flexibility and responsiveness.建立并维护船舶所有者和经纪人的网络,以增强租船的灵活性和响应能力。
Tech Svs Development技术服务发展
1. Work with HSEQ to tailor SOPs with a view to attaining relevant certifications/accreditations for the technical services.与健康安全环境质量(HSEQ)部门合作,调整标准操作程序(SOP),以获得技术服务相关的认证/资质。
2. Develop documentation and procedure related technical services.
3. Setting-up a network of competent vendors (which includes but is not limited to surveys, repairs & maintenance, re-certification, equipment rental & fabrication) to support the business activities.建立一个由合格供应商组成的网络(包括但不限于检验、维修与保养、重新认证、设备租赁与制造),以支持业务活动
4. Working with the procurement team for purchases of material. 与采购团队合作,采购材料
5. Attend issues and manage day to day operational matters related to the business. 处理与业务相关的日常运营问题。
6. Provide support for planning loadouts. 支持货物装载计划。
7. Identifying and implementing new technologies, processes, and procedures to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of technical operations, reduce costs, and enhance safety and environmental performance.识别并实施新技术、流程和程序,以提高技术操作的效率和效果,降低成本,并增强安全和环境绩效。
8. Anticipate operational risks and mitigating issues on a day-to-day basis for projects.预测运营风险,并在日常基础上缓解项目问题。
Building and leading a Team团队建设与领导
1. Implement an optimal organization structure align with the business growth.实施与业务增长相一致的最优组织结构。
2. Motivate and lead the team by example.以身作则,激励并领导团队。

51米多多提醒你:在招聘、录用期间要求你支付费用的行为都必须提高警惕。 以招聘为名的培训、招生,许诺推荐其他工作机会,甚至提供培训贷款,或者支付体检 、服装、押金和培训等费用后才能录用工作的,都属于违法行为,应当提高警惕。一经发现,请立即举报,并向当地公安机关报案。


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