职位: 销售经理(在化工、矿物、制药等应用领域的机械设备销售) Position:Sales Manager (equipment sales for Chemical, Mineral, Pharmaceutical & Applications) A. 岗位描述 Job Description: 1. Responsible for promotion and sales of powder processing equipment from group’s manufactures to Chinese customers. 负责集团工厂的粉体加工设备在中国的市场推广和销售; 2. Fulfill the sales target, meanwhile search the potential customers and markets. 开拓新的潜在客户和市场,完成销售任务; 3. Complete sales contracts negotiation and confirmation with customers, to complete the communication with customer during the order fulfillment process, confirm the products delivery and payments and so on; 完成与客户的销售合同谈判及确认订立,完成订单执行过程中的与客户的沟通、货期确认、收款等 4. Report and feedback the process information timely 及时反馈和报告进度信息 5. Obey the company’s rules and sales policies. 遵守公司各项规章制度,执行公司销售政策; 6. Fix annual job target, submit job report regularly (incl. competition, market trend etc.). 明确本岗位的年度任务目标,定期提交工作报告(内容包括竞争对手情况和市场动向); 7. Push the sales cycle of customer service and spare parts, and explore the new service and sales model, to come true the sales margin and growth; 推动客户服务及备件销售的周期循环,并探索新的服务和销售模式,实现利润和销售额的增长; 8. Collaborate the received inquiries with other Sales Engineers who responsible for relevant industry application and the group manufacturers, so as to get the orders smoothly. 与公司各应用领域销售工程师及集团国外工厂方面合作,处理收集到的客户询价,并配合完成销售; B. 资格要求 Qualifications: 1. University degree or above. Major in Chemical, Mineral, Pharmaceutical or Mechanical industries background as preference. 大学本科以上学历,化工、矿物、制药或机械等专业优先。 2. With approx 3 years working experience in sales job, preference for powder processing business experiences. 3年以上销售工作经验者,有粉体加工领域的工作经验为优先考虑。 3. CET 4. Fluent English both in written and oral is a must. 英语四级以上,听说读写流利。 4. Be willing to travel frequently in China and to overseas. 能接受频繁出差于国内外。 5. With open mind, creative and active personality. 性格活泼开朗,思维开阔,有创造性和主动性。 6. Strong capability to analysis, to solve problem independently with the sense of responsibility. 有责任心,独立思考、分析、解决问题的能力。 7. Good communication skill, strong spirit of customer service and team work. 有良好的人际沟通能力,具有客户服务意识和团队合作精神。 8. Practiced computer application skill. 能熟练操作计算机。