Assemble by Réel 是将时尚作为自己个性展现的人心目中的理想目的地。我们立志于带给大家有趣、新颖和独特的事物,为勇敢表达自己的人提供有质感,有层次的互动购物体验。
Responsibilities: 岗位职责 1.Assist in brand mix and style selection 协助品牌组合和单品选择 2.Order management including quantity, size, setting up product information 订单管理,包含产品数量、尺寸 3.Ensure products are ready within scheduled delivery timeline 确保产品准时交货 4.Help to track sales performance and propose strategies for selection improvements 协助跟进品牌销售情况并提出改进策略 5.Assist buyer with assortment plans based on store needs and sales performance 根据店铺需求和销售业绩协助买手制定OTB计划 6.Monitor stock levels to inform allocation to ensure sufficient products are available to meet sales targets 监控库存量以确保有充足的库存来达成销售目标 7.Prepare data for seasonal reviews and analysis 回顾过季的销售情况,提出改善计划 8.Conduct product training to store staff 为店铺员工进行每季产品培训 9.Conduct regular analysis on competitor brand mix and pricing 定期做市场调研 10.Work closely with Menswear Buyer on all ad hoc duties as requested 协助日常工作 11.Work across functions with Retail, Logistics and Marketing, Visual Merchandising departments to ensure sales objectives are met 与零售、物流、市场、陈列部门合作,确保达到销售目标
Requirements: 任职要求 1.Bachelor degree 学士学位 2.Minimum 1 year experience in retail industry, buying and merchandising roles will be preferred 一年以上零售行业工作经验,有采购和销售经验者优先考虑 3.Excellent with numbers and detail oriented 对数字敏感且注重细节 4. Interest and knowledge of domestic and global fashion trends 热爱时尚 5.Highly proficient with MS Excel and PPT 熟练使用Excel和PPT 6.Fluent written and verbal English 熟练的英语书写和口头交流能力 7.Able to travel frequently including public holidays 能接受出差,包括在公共假期内的出差