Your responsibilities To drive customer engagement, satisfaction, retention + reactivation in close cooperation with Field Sales and the Operational Care Center (OCC). To establish + strengthen operational relation to customer contact(s) through daily interactions, regular care visits + pro-actively advising + consulting to ensure customer satisfaction. To qualify customer inquiries + provide quotations within the given price band, in line with the guiding leeway in decision-making, then following up to ensure quotations are accepted + closed. To support customer onboarding in line with working instructions, ensuring inclusion + transfer of customer requirements into the KN systems alongside the (initial) customer order. To qualify + enter customer orders into the operational execution process. To collaborate with Finance to adjust credit limits based on daily business development + coordinate measures in case of challenges. To document, resolve, analyze all complaints + then identify, share + eliminate root causes. To create, review + refine customer reports. To ensure delivery against all financial targets + strategic objectives.