

人 · 本科 · 3年及以上工作经验 · 性别不限2024/08/08发布




The purpose of this role is to organize resources to ensure supply of products in cell with the demand plan and the compliance requirements. Maintain performance in cell with agreed targets.本角色的基本目的是通过资源有效组织,确保现场生产的产品符合计划需求和合规要求,保持生产绩效达成预定的目标。
? Support the development of the Quality System and the application of all quality requirements.支持与维护质量体系的发展和日常的工作符合质量要求。
? Support the development of the EHS system and the application of all EHS requirements.支持与维护安全健康体系的发展和日常的工作符合健康安全环境要求。
? Support the product transfers in collaboration with the Engineering and Quality departments.与工程及质量团队紧密合作,支持新产品的转移项目。
? Lead cell level activities, including but not limited to coordinate with all possible resource to smoothly run production within the scope of cell, the resource could be internal manufacturing department, or cross functional department such as quality, engineering, maintenance, facility, etc.负责生产单元层级的相关活动,包括但不限于协调所有可能的资源使生产单元的所有活动正常运转,这个资源包括内部生产运营部门,也包括相关支持部门如质量、工程、维修、设施,等等。
? Support supervisor to manage value steam level activities.协助主管管理价值流层级的活动。
EHS 环境健康安全
? Responsible for the implementation and control of the Environmental and Health and Safety procedures within individual manufacturing operations areas or on a larger scope when relevant.管控负责生产现场以及相关区域所适用的环境健康安全程序执行。
? Ensure staff is trained in all relevant EHS procedures and policies.确保所有下属培训相关环境健康安全程序与政策。
? Support the development of the EHS system and the application of all EHS requirements.支持环境健康安全体系的发展,确保日常的工作符合环境健康安全体系的要求。
? Lead or participate in the investigation once related accidents, incidents and near misses happened, ensure the resultant actions completed in effectively and timely manner.当负责区域发生EHS事件时,能够领导或参与调查,确保相关解决措施及时有效。
? Champion EHS within individual manufacturing operations cell or on a larger scope when relevant.在所负责生产单元内以及相关区域支持环境健康安全。
? All employees are responsible for minimizing or eliminating the risk which related to the Environmental and Health & Safety during the work that they perform. 始终致力于减少乃至消除工作环境中涉及到环境健康安全的风险点。

Quality and Compliance质量及合规
? Support the development of the Quality system and the application of all quality requirements.支持质量体系的发展,确保日常的工作符合质量要求。
? Ensure all manufacturing operations are performed in cell with procedures and work instructions defined in the quality system. 确保所有的生产活动都符合质量体系中所规定的程序文件。
? Maintain the highest standards of Good Manufacturing Practices.现场维持GMP的高标准。
? Participate to the development of procedures and work instruction.参与程序文件的制定。
? Assume a lead role in conjunction with QA to eliminate repeat close calls and potential recalls.与质量部门紧密合作承担消除产品召回风险的职责。
? Participate or Lead the investigation of quality non-conformance cases, such as CAPA, NRs, etc. 参与或主导调查质量偏差事件,如CAPA、NR等等。

Manufacturing 生产
? Organize resources to ensure supply of products in line with the demand plan and the compliance requirements. Maintain performance in line with agreed targets for productivity, lead time, inventory, quality, safety & Environment.充分组织资源,以确保生产的产品符合计划需求和合规要求,保持绩效符合设定目标的生产率,交货期,库存,质量,安全与环境
? Manage, motivate and develop reports to promote high performance in line with the Standards of leadership. Manage all employees’ related issues in a fair and reasonable manner in line with the Credo, the company policies and the Standard of Leadership. 管理,激励,发展公司领导力以达成高绩效团队,管理所有员工的相关问题以公平合理的方式并符合公司信条,政策和领导力的要求。
? Actively participate and assist in selection and recruitment of new employees.积极参与和帮助挑选和招募新员工。
? Develop and maintain a team-based approach within the Product dept. Also build core team in production department.在生产部内开发和保持以团队为基础的方法,同时建立核心团队。
? Complete performance appraisals and mid-year reviews in a timely manner.及时完成团队绩效评估和半年度回顾。
? Ensure absence, lates and JR issues are managed by staff in a fair and reasonable manner in line with company policies, Credo values and Standards of leadership.确保缺勤,迟到和员工工作关系事件基于公司政策,信条和领导力标准下被公平合理的处理。
? Manage the operators incentive system, create opportunities to reward and recognize success of teams and individuals.管理好员工激励,创造机会奖励和识别优秀的团队或个人。Adapt resources to follow the production schedule, reduce lead time and back orders for the best customer services while reducing inventory.运用相应遵循生产计划,缩短订单交货时间同时降低库存,保持做好的客户服务。
? Prioritize production in line with Customer service requirements.。按照客户需求安排生产次序。
? Act as voice of the customer.团队能够传递客户声音。
? Hold people accountable for product dept. results. 确保人员对生产结果负责。
? In collaboration with the engineering department, develop and or lead actions to improve productivity, efficiency and consumable cost.同工程团队紧密合作,领导与开展项目提升生产率,效率以及降低消耗品费用。
? Actively encourage, promote and facilitate implementation of innovative solutions to ensure quality while delivering lower costs and shorter lead times.积极鼓励,促进和推动在交付,低成本和缩短交货时间的方面的创新活动能够有效执行。
? Applies Process Excellence and Lean Techniques to optimize performance.运用卓越的流程管理和精益技术改善现场绩效。
? Participate to the identification, selection, installation and validation of manufacturing Equipment.参与生产设备的定义,选择,安装和验证阶段。
? Support the product transfers in collaboration with the Engineering and Quality departments.与工程团队与质量团队紧密合作支持新产品转入项目。
? Maintain a very high standard of 5S.保持现场高标准的5S状态。
? Develop and maintain metrics and dashboards.开展与维护好生产指标及看板。
? Maintain an up to date and accurate skill matrix to assure that resources are allocated to tasks according to their demonstrated training and qualification.维护好最新及准确的员工技能矩阵,根据员工的表现与授证确保资源与工作被合理分配。
? Efficiently manage variations in manufacturing demands.有效管理变化的生产需求。

51米多多提醒你:在招聘、录用期间要求你支付费用的行为都必须提高警惕。 以招聘为名的培训、招生,许诺推荐其他工作机会,甚至提供培训贷款,或者支付体检 、服装、押金和培训等费用后才能录用工作的,都属于违法行为,应当提高警惕。一经发现,请立即举报,并向当地公安机关报案。


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