- Participate in the technical research of the project and overcome synthetic problems by making appropriate modifications of reaction conditions; - 参与项目的技术攻关,独立分析解决实验中遇到的问题;
- Responsible for the synthesis and process optimization of kilogram-scale compounds, complete the small-scale and pilot-scale scale-up of drug synthesis according to the project requirements; - 负责公斤级化合物的合成及工艺优化,按照项目需求完成药物合成小试及中试放大;
- Support the setting up and daily management and problem solving of the scale-up team; - 支持中试实验室的搭建,做好日常的实验室管理以及负责解决日常遇到的技术方面等问题;
- Proper storage and maintenance of experimental instruments and equipment, cleaning and maintenance of laboratory environment. - 实验仪器设备的妥善保管及维修保养,实验室环境的清理及维护。