岗位职责: Responsible for school educational affairs. Assist with curriculum arrangements of each semester. 负责学校教学事务,协助每学期课程的安排工作。 Coordinate the course schedule between teachers, students and parents. Adjust curriculum schedule if needed. 与老师、学生、家长协调上课时间,遇有调课或突发况,进行课程协调安排。 Collect and manage students’ personal documents. Update students’ status in time, and maintain the registered documents confidentially. 负责学生和档案管理,及时更新学生学籍信息,维护学生注册信息机密性。 Manage students` academic information and provide transcript and certificate of attendance in time. 管理学生教学信息,及时出具成绩单、在读证明等证明。 Responsible for exam schedule. Keep exam records and build exam documents system. 负责学生日常考试安排,记录、汇总学生各类考试情况,建立考试档案。 Manage students` test paper and ensure the confidentiality of exam. 保管学生试卷,做好试卷保密工作。 Collect, classify and manage the courses syllabus and other related documents from teachers. 负责收集、分类、保管老师授课的课程大纲以及相关材料。 To act as a point person for all communication within and outside the school regarding academics. 负责校内外涉及教学相关事宜的沟通交流。 Coordinating with Homeroom Teachers. 协助班主任工作。 Organize academic activities, such as Teacher-Parent Meeting and All Faculty Meeting. 组织教学类活动,如家校联席会,教师大会等。 Complete other work related to academic and assigned tasks required by Line Manager 完成其他教务工作以及直线经理交办的工作。