1熟悉产品结构设计和试验规范 Know the product design&physical test specifications 1)熟悉安全产品结构知识,基本的设计要求Know the safety product knowledge and basic design specifications 2)熟悉安全产品的试验规范和试验设置Know the safety product physical test specifications and test setup 2安全产品结构仿真分析Arrange the structure simulation of safety product 1)检查仿真输入和获得缺失的数据,反馈客户计划完成时间 Check & get the input data of simulation and feedback delivery time to customer 2)根据分析要求和试验设置建立结构仿真分析模型,分析模型仿真结果 Building the structure simulation model based on analysis specification&the physical test setup and analyze the CAE results of structure model 3)根据仿真分析结果,评估产品部件性能并完成分析报告 Evaluate the product performance from CAE results and finish CAE report 4)给客户讲解仿真分析报告并给出结构改进建议 Present the CAE report with customer and offer the recommendations of improving structure 3改进结构仿真分析方法Improving simulation methodology 1)跟踪收集产品的试验结果Pursue&collect the pursue the physical test resutls 2)对比仿真和试验结果改进仿真分析模型和方法 Improve the simulation model and methodology after comparing results of CAE with physical test
required 熟悉有限元分析理论知识(Good CAE theory ) 良好的分析问题和解决问题的能力(Good analysis and solving problems capability) 良好的主动自学能力(Good active leaning capability) 良好的沟通能力(Good communication skill)