ESSENTIAL RESPONSIBILITIES / 主 要 职 责 1.梳理公司需要遵守的关于EHS的法律法规,并进行全员培训;Figure out EHS legislations and regulations applying to Novenco, and perform training to all staff; 2.建立公司EHS管理体系,完善现有EHS规章制度、操作规范和应急预案;Establish EHS management system, improve existing EHS rules, work standards and contingency plan; 3.组织实施各类安全检查,对发现事故隐患制定整改计划并跟踪;Perform all kinds of EHS inspection, make corrective action plans and follow-up; 4.负责新员工三级安全教育培训,组织开展各类安全活动(安全文宣工作,消防演习,化学品泄漏演习,重大事故演习);Responsible for new-hires safety training, organize safety activities, incl. safety publicity, fire drill, chemical spill drill, major accident drill; 5.对各类风险源进行辨识,制定管控措施,对重大危险源建立应急救援预案;Identify risks of dangerous source, make control action plans; make contingency plan against major dangerous sources; 6.对各类安全事故进行调查、分析,并妥善处理; Investigate to all safety accidents, analyze root cause, make corrective and preventive measures; 7.与上级主管单位、政府机构等进行EHS业务的对接;Communicate with all level government organizations for EHS issues; 8.协助公司环评,环保三同时,安全三同时急验收事宜;Help with acceptance inspection of environmental evaluation, ’3-semultaneous’ environmental protection ficilities and safety facilities; 9.排污许可证,职业健康报告等文件获得或更新;Obtain or update Pollutant Dischrge Permit, occupational physical examination report, etc.; 10.疫情应对及预防管理; Epidemic response, prevention and management; 11.其他涉及EHS的管理工作; Others relevant to EHS management. 12.负责上级指派的其他任务。Responsible for other tasks from Manager. JOB SPECIFICATIONS / 岗 位 资 格 1.College degree or above, With refrigeration knowledge or shipyard working experience is preferred. 全日制大专或以上学历, 有船厂工作经历或有制冷经验者优先; 2.Has at least 3years of EHS system management experience;拥有至少3年的EHS管理经验; 3.Good English speaking, writing.较好的英语口语和书写; 4.Good computer skill for Microsoft office software.较好的计算接技巧,熟悉办公软件; 5.Good communication skill and relationship within work team.良好的沟通能力和人际关系; 6.Good logical thinking ability;良好的逻辑思维能力。