· Ensure the maintenance of cleanliness and functionality of Apartments, surroundings/public areas and back of house, achieving zero referrals from Residents. 保证房间、公区、周边环境、工作区域的清洁、完好,努力实现零投诉 · Check on reports of defects, deficiencies and pests and to ensure that they have been carried out. 检查需维修、改进项目,并跟进处理结果 · Supervise the upholding of company policy and procedures to ensure the safety, security and welfare of Residents and staff, counselling staff that deviate. 监督公司规定、程序的执行,保证住客和员工的安全。劝诫处罚违纪员工。 · Ensure efficiency and the maintenance of operational readiness of equipment and supplies. 保证设备、物品的有效使用。 · Conduct training e.g. OJT, chemical and equipment usage etc. and to counsel staff when performance does not reach the required standards. 组织在职培训(例如:清洁剂、设备的使用),帮助工作不达标的员工 · Anticipate Residences’ needs and exceeded their expectation, through courtesy calls and Resident contact time, liasing with CRE, Sales and marketing and to communicate these needs. 预见住客的需要,并完美实现。通过电话或拜访了解住客需求,与市场部人员及时沟通住客信息 · Supervise the service of P.A, Pest control, garbage disposal. 分包商的服务品质检查(公区清洁、消杀、垃圾清运) · Ensure the room status 更新房态