1. 严格执行设备维修安全管理规程,确保区域内人员及设备安全
Strictly implement equipment maintenance safety procedures to ensure the safety of personnel and equipment.
2. 负责公司生产运营设备管理和维护,确保合规使用。
Responsible for the management and maintenance of operation area equipment to ensure compliance.
3. 制定有效的维修策略,通过不断提升OEE以确保工厂高绩效
Make effective maintenance strategy and improve the OEE constantly
4. 控制维修成本并协助降低能耗
Control the maintenance cost strictly and cooperate to reduce the energy consumption.
5. 根据年度计划合理安排并有效执行设备保养
Arrange reasonably and executive effectively or the equipment maintenance according to the annual plan.
6. 负责区域的5S管理
Ensure good 5S in maintenance area.
7. 不断提高维修团队的技能和团队绩效
Continue to improve Maintenance skills and team performance
8. Project management
- 理工科本科及以上Above the bachelor in Science & Engineering
- 5年以上相关工作经验,食品/药品行业优先Above 5 years related working experience, food/pharmaceutical is a plus
- 有设备及仪电维修管理经验,电气工程师经历优先 Managing experience for fixing equipment & instrument,electrical engineer is a plus
- 英语听说读写皆良好 Good Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking in English
- 有较强的问题解决能力 Problem solving:
- 有很强的分析/判断/评估能力 Decision making:
- 责任感较强、工作自主 Personality (Open-minded, Proactive)
- 有较强团队合作精神 Team work/Collaboration