工作职责:Job Responsibilities: 1.在上级主管的指导下负责特定区域或行业内目标客户的确定及开发; 1.Under the guidance of superiors,responsible for determining and developing target customers in specific regions or industries; 2.负责客户需求信息的发掘与确认,在公司内部准确高效地落实相关需求并进行跟踪; 2.Responsible for identifying and confirming customer needs, accurately and efficiently implementing and tracking relevant requirements; 3.对所负责客户的业务关系进行维护,持续提升客户粘度; 3. Maintain business relationships with customers and continuously increase customer stickiness; 4.在上级主管指导下制订工作计划并按照周期进行总结与反馈; 4.?Develop work plans under the guidance of superiors and provide periodic summaries and?feedback; 5.负责订单合同回款跟踪; 5. Responsible for tracking the payment collection of orders and contracts; 6.完成上级主管交办的其他临时性工作内容。 6. Complete other temporary work tasks assigned by superiors. 任职要求:Qualifications: 1.本科及以上学历,CET4级及以上; 1. Bachelor's degree or above, CET4 or above; 2.市场营销、国际经济贸易及其他有意向销售通道发展的理工类专业; 2. Major in Marketing, International Economic and Trade or other science and engineering majors interested in sale; 3.性格外向且工作严谨,重视逻辑及条理性; 3.Outgoing and rigorous in work,emphasizing logic and organization; 晋升空间:底薪随业绩增加调整+高提成---大客户经理----销售部总监(具体收入面议) 公司已有基础:目前公司已有各大车厂认可,业务拓展起来容易!