1、负责员工考勤、年假统计等工作; Responsible for employee attendance, annual leave calculation work; 2、公司办公用品、文具等采购和管理; Procurement and management of office supplies and stationery; 3、办理员工入离职手续。协助人事经理对新员工进行入职培训等事宜; Handle employee entry and leave procedures. Assist HR Manager to conduct on-boarding training for new employees. 4、负责员工出差机票、酒店的预定和安排; Responsible for booking and arranging air tickets and hotels for employees on business trips; 5、负责公司的档案管理及各类文件、资料及统计管理工作; Responsible for the company's archives management and all kinds of documents, information and statistical management; 6、负责各类会务宣传资料的准备; Responsible for the preparation of various publicity materials; 7、完成上级交代的其它工作。 Complete other tasks assigned by HR Manager.
任职资格: Qualifications: 1、行政、人事管理或具有相关工作经验本科学历; With bachelor degree in administration, personnel management or related work experience; 2、大学在读的应届优秀毕业生也可; College graduates can also be accepted. 3、具有较好的英语听说写能力; Good English listening, speaking and writing skills; 4、工作细致、认真、有责任心,较强的文字撰写能力,较强的沟通协调以及语言表达能力; Work carefully, seriously and have responsibility, writing skills, communication and coordination skills and language expression capability; 5、熟练使用office办公软件。 Professional in using office software.