岗位职责: 1、组织实施绩效管理,推进绩效管理PDCA各环节工作,并及时进行总结和复盘,持续迭代升级; 2、负责员工绩效信息资料的收集、整理及分析,建立绩效信息库,为人员培养和发展提供信息支持; 3、负责公司绩效系统(如飞书OKR、360°调研平台)的运行、优化及维护; 4、深入了解和掌握公司的人力资源政策和员工关系管理流程,确保所有政策和流程得到正确执行。 5. 作为公司与员工之间的沟通桥梁,及时解答员工关于劳动合同、薪资福利、工作时间、假期等问题的咨询。 6. 协助处理员工投诉和纠纷,确保问题得到公正、及时和妥善的解决。 7、协助处理劳动仲裁和诉讼案件,为公司提供法律支持和建议。 8、领导交代的其他事情。 1. Organize and implement performance management, promote all aspects of performance management PDCA, summarize and review in a timely manner, and continue to iterate and upgrade; 2. Responsible for the collection, sorting and analysis of employee performance information, establishing a performance information database, and providing information support for personnel training and development; 3、Responsible for the operation, optimization and maintenance of the company's performance system (such as Feishu OKR and 360° research platform); 4. Deeply understand and master the company's human resources policies and employee relationship management processes, and ensure that all policies and processes are correctly implemented. 5. As a communication bridge between the company and employees, timely answer employees' questions about labor contract, salary and benefits, working hours, holidays, etc. 6. Follow up and understand the latest developments of labor laws and regulations, provide compliance advice to the company in a timely manner, and ensure that the company's policies are consistent with laws and regulations. 7. Assist in handling labor arbitration and litigation cases, and provide legal support and advice to the company. 8. Complete other affairs arranged by superiors